Showing Records: 16246 - 16260 of 16480
Woman in car
Digital Record
Identifier: ae697ba2-5d86-402e-abf0-13945b4cc097
Woman in front of doors
Digital Record
Identifier: 48b84405-d67c-44a1-89ed-a60f5f479f99
Woman in front of plants
Digital Record
Identifier: 36f66ccc-d736-47b0-b848-0d4294586e70
Woman in front of windows
Digital Record
Identifier: c5e2ccd5-5503-42a2-b554-0451883cacc2
Woman in middle of field
Digital Record
Identifier: 42a17a03-6c14-4730-9e4e-88ef5d954d5b
Woman in sailor's uniform in front of a hedge
Digital Record
Identifier: 114ba556-402f-4ad3-a8c3-e20ddbc71446
Woman in western costume posing with men in formal attire
Digital Record
Identifier: 737c7e4f-4022-48fd-8b1c-fb6c551c4588
Woman in western wear
Digital Record
Identifier: 87a0a127-9041-45e2-9b0a-df4328af0709
Woman leads a telecourse in reading
Digital Record
Identifier: 159338cd-2032-42a0-8975-78d078f216b2
Woman looking over baby lying in a bassinet
Digital Record
Identifier: d96f6bb3-4abb-491c-a0d6-e0baef5a9776
Woman looks into camera at a Reading Rainbow event
Digital Record
Identifier: 1ac13f60-3b1b-4c04-b30a-eca3023cd0e9
Woman near steps
Digital Record
Identifier: d7c6cbe3-a5f9-4c98-8a18-c715087346f3
Woman next to car
Digital Record
Identifier: 3c922282-f341-47ab-8d44-00c02dbe9b4e
Woman on set of "The Writer in Society"
Digital Record
Identifier: 4e21bd5f-75e4-496c-92d9-e4f8a16ee4bb
Woman on set of "The Writer in Society"
Digital Record
Identifier: 3823312e-bba0-422e-b2e1-f51c67b921b4