Chafetz, Janet Satlzman
Vitae folders are arranged alphabetically, according to the last name of the individual. Each card contains information (education, date of birth, brief employment history, and sometimes a photograph) for people employed by the University of Houston. Some of the folders also contain newspaper clippings associated with that individual. For example, the folders relating to Paul Chu contain numerous newspaper articles associated to his research in the area of superconductor material.
The U.H. Faculty Vita Records, (1960-1990) arrived at the archives in relatively good order, which has been maintained where possible. For preservation and access reasons the collection has been re-boxed and re-foldered. New folder titles conform, as closely as possible, to original folder titles, except when the original was obviously incomplete, incorrect, or confusing. Original folder and item order has been maintained whenever possible. Exceptions were made when folders were obviously misfiled or when no order was apparent. The collection contains approximately 3500 vita records.
- 1960-1990
Conditions Governing Access
Open for research.
From the Collection: 24.0 linear feet
- From the Collection: University of Houston (Organization)
Repository Details
Part of the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections Repository
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
MD Anderson Library
4333 University Drive
Houston TX 77204-2000 USA