Polaroid Domestic Violence Response Video. Health Care Professionals, undated
The Houston Area Women’s Center Videos contain VHS tapes, Umatics, Beta tapes, and audio tapes. Items date from the 1980 to the present, with most of the material dating from the mid 1990s. The bulk of the collection contains recordings of TV shows, news reports, and events relating to women issues such as domestic violence, and rape. There are also HAWC produced videos, and other educational videos used by the center.
Researchers may also wish to consult other collections held at the University of Houston Archives, including the Houston Area Women Center Records, and the Nikki Van Hightower Papers, covering the years 1967-1997. The HAWC newsletters, Centerline (call number HQ 1439.H68 C46) and Catalyst (call number HQ 1439.H68 C375) are cataloged and available in the University of Houston Archives.
The tapes have been stored in video boxes and have been sorted topically and then chronologically. There is some overlap and repetition on the series, as the materials were received and processed at different times.
- Other: undated
Conditions Governing Access
Open for research.
From the Collection: 12.0 linear feet
Repository Details
Part of the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections Repository
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
MD Anderson Library
4333 University Drive
Houston TX 77204-2000 USA