Articles, 1970
This series includes materials on Kirksey's work to bring baseball to Houston as part of the Houston Sports Association. There are 659 items in the series. There are a variety of materials in the series, including reports, press kits, pamphlets, correspondence, clippings, and announcements. Included are materials about the Continental League, the Astrodome, Colt .45s/Astros, problems with baseball, leaving the HSA, selling his stock in the HSA, and the HSA's work in trying to bring in football to oppose Bud Adams' Oilers. Some of the people included in the series are R. E. "Bob" Smith, Paul Richards, and Roy Hofheinz. There is also a box of newspapers related to the Houston Sports Association, which has been given its own box number. Photographs related to the Colt .45s, the Astros, and the Astrodome are in the Photographs series under the heading "Baseball."
- 1970
Conditions Governing Access
Open for research.
From the Collection: 7.50 linear feet
- From the Collection: Kirksey, George Turner, 1904-1971 (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections Repository
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
MD Anderson Library
4333 University Drive
Houston TX 77204-2000 USA