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Item 69: 00069_Cantrelle, A.J.Sr_MMS-History, 2001

 Item — Box: 1

Interviewer(s): A. Anand. Larose, LA

Affiliation: University of Arizona

Mr. A.J. Cantrelle was referred to me by his son, Buddy Cantrelle. Initially, I was to interview them together, but Mr. Cantrelle Sr. could not make it to that interview, so we met later at his home. Mr. A.J. had a large CCFC (Concerned Citizens for Community, an anti-union group initiated by Edison Chouest Offshore) sign out in his yard and told me that he was one of the first people to put it up. Both he and Buddy (earlier) spoke quite vehemently about the damage unions would do. We did the interview at the kitchen dining table. Though initially aloof, he warmed up a bit into the interview. He had a pronounced limp from a work-related injury.

Mr. Cantrelle was born in 1937 and left school in the 10th grade when his father fell ill. He began working in the oilpatch in 1952. He got his first Captain's assignment working for Griffin Towing in the mid to late 50s before being hired as Captain by Galliano Tugs. He worked there until 1965, whereupon he joined Robin Tours Corp. Mr. Cantrelle was injured in October 1985 while working for Gulf Fleet Marine and left offshore work. He then began teaching at Houston Marine in 1987.


  • 2001

Conditions Governing Access

Open for research.

Oral history interviews are only available for use when the University of Houston Libraries is in possession of a release form signed by both interviewee and interviewer allowing for such access.


From the Collection: 25.0 linear feet

Repository Details

Part of the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections Repository

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