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Item 77: 00077_Chauvin, Dewey "D.J" and Lucy_MMS-History, 2001

 Item — Box: 1

Interviewer(s): A. Anand. Chauvin, LA

Affiliation: University of Arizona

Mr. D.J. Chauvin, a retired mud engineer, was referred to me by Rob Gorman of Catholic Social Services (Houma). I met him at his home in Chauvin, where I also met his wife Lucy. They live in a relatively new subdivision, and the house was easy to locate. D.J. and I conducted the interview by the mantelpiece in their dining room, while Lucy sat further away at the dining table. D.J. and Lucy also had a tape recorder running so that they could have a copy of the interview for themselves. They were both very warm and gracious.

D.J. was born in Chauvin in 1941. As a youth, he worked at a shrimp factory and grocery store and then worked in a pipeyard whlie in college. He graduated from Nicholls State College and worked as a schoolteacher until 1970. At that time, he joined the oil industry. He became a mud engineer and then a trainer. He was blinded in an automobile accident in 1988, and has been an oil sales representative since. He and Lucy work together (she drives him around), beginning very early in the day and winding up by the afternoon. He still calls on rigs for his work. D.J. also has an older brother, Ferrel, who spent many years with Texaco.


  • 2001

Conditions Governing Access

Open for research.

Oral history interviews are only available for use when the University of Houston Libraries is in possession of a release form signed by both interviewee and interviewer allowing for such access.


From the Collection: 25.0 linear feet

Repository Details

Part of the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections Repository

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