Item 138: 00138_Domingue, Eddie_MMS-History, 2002
Interviewer(s): S. Wiltz. Lafayette, LA
Affiliation: University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Eddie Domingue was born in 1927 on the outskirts of present day Lafayette. He did not finish high school, because he tried to enlist in the Merchant Marines, but then decided not to do that and got training in marine and radio electronics. After finishing his training, he got a job with Keystone Exploration in about 1942 on a seismic crew and doing electronic work; although they moved him around a lot, he stayed with them because it provided him with a deferment from military service during World War II. He left the company after the war, but was called back to do hot shot work for them twice in the early 1950s; he was in demand because he had a radio license and shooters offshore needed that. When not working for Keystone after the war, his main job was running a service company that took care of jukeboxes and pinball machines. He describes how they would use dynamite and the rules they were supposed to follow. He also explains that his ability to talk to local landowners, and his knowledge of dynamite and electronics made him valuable to the company.
- 2002
Conditions Governing Access
Open for research.
Oral history interviews are only available for use when the University of Houston Libraries is in possession of a release form signed by both interviewee and interviewer allowing for such access.
From the Collection: 25.0 linear feet
Repository Details
Part of the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections Repository
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