Item 998: 00998_Frisbie, Richard (Dick)_MMS/BOEM
Interviewer:Tyler Priest
Affiliation: University of Houston
Dick Frisbie was born in California but grew up in South Africa. He attended Virginia Tech, gaining a degree in mechanical engineering before working for Pratt & Whitney for three years. After several years in the U.S. Army, including time spent in-country during the Vietnam War, Frisbee returned stateside. At Old Dominion University, he earned a master’s degree in physical oceanography. He took on with a firm called Ocean Systems, based near Washington, D.C., working as a diving systems engineer. There, Frisbie was involved in some of the very first industrial uses of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) for both general offshore and marine petroleum uses. Frisbie stayed with Ocean Systems as the firm became part of Oceaneering in 1984 after an acquisition; by then Frisbie had become general manager for ROVs. Frisbie continued to work for Oceaneering for decades, in a multitude of roles.
- 1996-2017
Conditions Governing Access
Open for research.
Oral history interviews are only available for use when the University of Houston Libraries is in possession of a release form signed by both interviewee and interviewer allowing for such access.
From the Collection: 25.0 linear feet
Repository Details
Part of the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections Repository
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