FDR's Second Cruise on the Houston, October 3 and 23, 1935
This series contains folders related to the USS Houston. Folders in the first three subseries contain Milner's files on individuals who were serving on the Houston when it went down in the Java Sea. Most of these contain only brief biographical information and/or a photocopy of the crew member's POW camp record. Some contain handwritten transcripts of interviews Milner conducted with the men (indicated by the words "with interview"). Some of these handwritten transcripts have been typed up for greater legibility in Special Collections. Other subseries contain materials related to President Roosevelt's trips on the Houston, deck log photocopies, and information about the Java Campaign. These also contain some letters and interviews.
- October 3 and 23, 1935
Conditions Governing Access:
Open for research.
From the Collection: 23.00 linear feet
- From the Collection: Milner, Samuel, 1910-2000 (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections Repository
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
MD Anderson Library
4333 University Drive
Houston TX 77204-2000 USA