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Baptiste, Steven, 2006

 File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-DMT-SR04
From the Series:

The current online list is only a small sample of the complete inventory. Additional inventory work is underway. For questions, please contact archivist Christian Kelleher at

Oral history interviews describe the experiences and reflections of survivors displaced to Houston by hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. Interview summaries/logs are available for research use, and interview recordings may be accessed on-site in the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections Reading Room. Please contact the library for more information.


  • 2006


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is not yet processed. Contact the curator to request access.


From the Collection: 6 linear feet


Steven Baptiste [SB], age 45,is a Katrina survivor from New Orleans, Louisiana [NOL]. His interview begins with his childhood filled with famous musicians, some of which were family members, and continues through adulthood. Steven describes a very dramatic storm situation which started calm and ended anything but. He speaks of having to evacuated his childhood home because the water would not stop rising. He describes his total disbelief because this just doesn’t happen in [NOL]. He describes his journey from [NOL] because of Katrina to Houston, and from Houston because of Rita to Atlanta, and back to Houston. He has no intention on staying in Houston, but returning to [NOL].


Repository Details

Part of the University of Houston Libraries Special Collections Repository

University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
MD Anderson Library
4333 University Drive
Houston TX 77204-2000 USA