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07. Houston History Archives

 Collecting Area
Identifier: 07

Found in 39 Collections and/or Records:

Joseph M. Heiser, Jr. Papers

Identifier: 2007-024
Dates: 1866-1989
Scope and Contents Forms part of the Houston History Archives.Most of the Joseph M. Heiser Jr. collection contains papers and very delicate carbon correspondence copies. The Joseph M. Heiser, Jr. Papers is a collection that is comprised of the individual’s obituaries, carbon copy publications, writings, publications, membership acceptance letters, organization donations [philanthropy], will and estates information, correspondence, outdoor nature club correspondence, outdoor nature club publications...

Terry Tarlton Hershey Papers

Identifier: 2005-005
Dates: 1962-2012
Scope and Contents This partial collection includes some biographical materials on Terry Hershey, background information on groups who have solicited or received philanthropic support from Hershey or the Hershey Foundation, and available materials on the local groups Hershey supported as a founder, board member, or supporter. A second portion of the Hershey collections includes her collected materials on state and national organizations to which she belonged or served on boards.Additional partial...

Houston Electric Auto Association Records

Identifier: 2016-047
Dates: 1973-2011; Majority of material found within 1995-2006
Scope and Contents This collection includes the organization's correspondence with the government and members' correspondence amongst themselves, as well as announcements of meetings and different events that they held occasionally. It also includes electric battery review booklets plus articles showing the organization and members' various achievements. Included are photographs of various occasions hosted or attended by the Houston Electric Auto Association members, brochures showing different...

Houston History Alliance Records

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2021-009

Houston Tomorrow Records

Identifier: 2015-022
Dates: undetermined
Scope and Contents

This collection does not currently have a finding aid available online. For assistance, please contact the curator.

Keep Houston Beautiful Records

Identifier: 2012-007
Dates: 1977-2012; Majority of material found within 2000-2008
Scope and Contents This collection includes award applications Keep Houston Beautiful has made to win monetary awards from Keep America Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful. It also includes awards Keep Houston Beautiful has won and awards that Keep Houston Beautiful has nominated community partners for. Included are administrative records, community initiatives of Keep Houston Beautiful, and various Keep Houston Beautiful events. This collection also includes photographs, press coverage, training materials, and...

John Henry Kirby Papers

Identifier: 2006-008
Dates: 1884-1944
Scope and Contents The majority of this manuscript collection consists of general and business correspondence concerning John Henry Kirby and his various business interests in southeast Texas. The manuscripts include holograph and typewritten letters, telegrams and postcards. Legal and land documents include deeds and abstracts, and business documents include checks and vouchers.In 1965 the collection was deposited in the archives of the Texas Gulf Coast Historical Association, at that time housed...

Ben Love Research Collection

Identifier: 2007-003
Dates: 1954-2005; Majority of material found within 1980-2003
Scope and Contents The collection contains seven series: Oral History; Love's Writings; Banks: TCB and Chemical New York; Research Files; Pre-TCB; Memorabilia; and Videotapes. Original order has been maintained as much as possible, and the collection is for the most part in the same arrangement as when it entered the archives.Accession 1Accession 1 (2007) of the collection mainly contains material relating to the writing and publication in 2005 of Ben Love: My Life in Texas Commerce, by...

Dee Maner Papers

Identifier: 2022-027
Dates: approximately 1980s-2010s
Content Description

Documentation of the environmental activism of Houston community leader Dee Maner.

Brandt Mannchen Environmental Papers

Identifier: 2011-009
Dates: 20th-21st cent.
Scope and Contents

This collection does not currently have a finding aid available online. For assistance, please contact the curator.

David Marrack Papers

Identifier: 2010-021
Dates: 1971-2005
Scope and Contents

This collection does not currently have a finding aid available online. For assistance, please contact the curator.

Lasker M. Meyer Papers

 Collection — Box 1
Identifier: 2022-025
Dates: approximately 1980s
Content Description

Speeches, correspondence, scrapbook, and other materials documenting the career of Lasker M. Meyer of Meyer Bros., Foley's, and Federated department stores.

Oral Histories Collection from the Houston History Project - Supplemental Research Materials

Identifier: 2006-005a
Dates: 1972-2004
Scope and Contents

This collection does not currently have a full finding aid available online. For assistance, please contact the curator.

Oral Histories Collection from the Houston History Project

Identifier: 2006-005
Dates: 1996-2017
Scope and Contents When UH’s Center for Public History and the University Libraries collaborated to create the Houston History Archives (UH-HHA), part of their mission included a repository for oral histories that tell stories of the growth and development of the Gulf Coast region from multiple points of view. To that end, the Houston Oral History Project in the Center for Public History trains history graduate students to research and interview Houstonians with recollections of the city’s civil rights,...

Outdoor Nature Club Records

Identifier: 2007-023
Dates: 1923-2007
Scope and Contents

Forms part of Houston History Archives. Primarily organizational records including meeting minutes, newsletters, scrapbooks, photographs, annual reports, and financial records. Outdoor Nature Club Records include approximately 20 linear feet of records including the materials for the study groups.