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Box 7


Contains 150 Results:

Group Photo. Back of the picture: This is General Caballero, governor of Tamaulipas. He is here in this hotel, March 23, 1918

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 5
Dates: March 23, 1918
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Postcard. Gral. Luis G. Caballero. Caption: Gral. Luis G. Caballero No. 131. H. J. Gutiérrez. Foto es prop. México.

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 6
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Portrait. Caption: Gral. Luis Caballero. Obsequio a la Señora Leonor Villegas de Mañon. Nuevo Laredo, Tamps. Enero 10 de 1917. Signed: El general Luis Caballero.

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 7
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Portrait of General Juan G. Cabral. Caption: General G. Cabral

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 8
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Postcard. Group photo. N.17. Después de la protesta del presidente Lic. F. Carbajal. H. J. Gutiérrez foto. Es prop. México.

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 9
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Group photo. José Carranza. Caption: Gral. J. Carranza y Estado Mayor.

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 10
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Group photo. Jesús Carranza. Caption: Gral. Jesús Carranza. Saltillo. Postcard.

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 11
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Group photo. Caption: Ing. Castillo Tapia proclamando un discurso en el Palacio de Gbno. de S.L. Potosí el día de la protesta del C. Gbdor. Eulalio Gutiérrez. Julio 21 de 1914. Fot. E. Montoya de la G. B. Postcard.

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 12
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Photo of store

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 13
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Group photo. Back of the picture: Dr. Cook’s brother

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 14
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Ruiz Cortines. Political campaign. Postcard

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 15
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Portrait of a general. Back of the picture: Gral. Elizondo who gave Rebel cars to move her 60 wounded soldiers to Mex City. (Provided automobiles).

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 16
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Portrait of three men. Caption: Esquero, Feliberto Villarreal, Perrusqui. Back of picture: Feliclós Villarreal. Perrusquia (left). Lic Esquierro

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 17
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Portrait. Signed: Espinosa. Back of the picture: Para la muy estimable señora

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 18
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...

Postcard. Portrait of Ramón Franco. Caption: A Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Blanca mano, dulce mano piadosa, alma buena, bajo su misericordia pongo mi espíritu. Ramón Franco. Torreón VI-2-914

 Item — Box: 7, Folder: 6, Item: 19
Dates: 1906-1982
Scope and Contents From the Series: The 10 folders in this series contain photographs maintained by Leonor Villegas de Magnón. Many of these photographs are related to her autobiographical novel La Rebelde and her participation in the Mexican Revolution. Of special note are photographs of Venustiano Carranza, Francisco Madero, and photographs of the members of La Cruz Blanca. Other photographs feature generals and soldiers of the Mexican Revolution and the family and friends of Villegas de Magnón. The photographs are organized...