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Cynthia Brants Papers

Identifier: AAA 6793

Reel 1514 (Gift): correspondence, price lists, exhibition catalogues, clippings, and Christmas cards designed by Brants.

Reel 1596 (Loan): correspondence concerning exhibitions; three illustrated diaries, two written while Brants was in Europe, 1948-1949, and one written while she was in the British Isles, 1954; lectures, notes, and other writings on art and artists; an unpublished manuscript entitled, "The Riding Lesson;" and exhibition catalogues.

Reel 1597 (Loan): 62 photographs of Brants and her work.


  • 1949-1976


Conditions Governing Access

Microfilm reels 1514; 1596-1597 available at Archives of American Art offices; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; and through interlibrary loan.

Conditions Governing Use

Collections are made available for research purposes only. Documents, photographs, art work, microfilm, recordings, and transcripts owned by the Archives of American Art may be protected by copyright, trademark, or a related interest not owned by the Archives. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to determine whether any such rights exist, and to obtain necessary permission for use.

If you would like to reuse or redistribute a digital or microfilm document from the Archives of American Art, please submit a request through the research request system and note that you are interested in reusing the item. In order to protect both you and the archives, AAA must have a reproduction agreement in place. All reuse requests are subject to a $25.00 administrative fee.


552 Images

Biographical / Historical

Cynthia Brants (1924-2006), graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY. Known for being a versatile artist, she was mostly associated with cubism and was greatly influenced by Cezanne, Klee and Picasso. Some highlights of her career include: assisting actress JoAnn Miller in the scene design and renovation of the Granbury Opera House, teaching painting and drawing at Denton's Women's University, producing speciality pieces for the Neiman Marcus Christmas catalogs, and being a member of the Forth Worth Circle. Brants mastered watercolor and printmaking.

Source: Google sites, Biography Cynthia Brants,, accessed May 14th, 2020.

Other Finding Aids

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Material on reel 1514 donated and material on reels 1596-1597 lent for microfilming 1979 by Cynthia Brants. (From Smithsonian AAA)

Note: The Cynthia Brants Papers were microfilmed for the Texas Art Project at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston as part of the Smithsonian Institution's Archives of American Art. Currently the papers can be accessed on microfilm at MFAH. The University of Houston Libraries and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston are digitizing the Brants papers as part of a collaborative TexTreasures 2020 grant project through the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) with funding from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).When digitization is complete, the Brants papers will be made available online through UH Libraries and MFAH websites.

Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas Art Project Microfilm Repository
