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Showing Collections: 16 - 30 of 35

Terry Tarlton Hershey Papers

Identifier: 2005-005
Dates: 1962-2012
Scope and Contents This partial collection includes some biographical materials on Terry Hershey, background information on groups who have solicited or received philanthropic support from Hershey or the Hershey Foundation, and available materials on the local groups Hershey supported as a founder, board member, or supporter. A second portion of the Hershey collections includes her collected materials on state and national organizations to which she belonged or served on boards.Additional partial...

Houston Area NOW and Other Feminist Activities Collection

Identifier: 2002-003
Dates: 1970-1996
Scope and Contents This collection is comprised of the files maintained by the members of the Houston Area (National Organization for Women) NOW. Not all of the files pertain specifically to Houston NOW activities and organizations because several of the members were active in other NOW affiliated organizations. The collection is organized into 11 series: Houston area NOW; Texas NOW organization(s) ; Other state, regional and/or local NOW organizations; National NOW; NOW task forces and committees; NOW social...

Houston Heights Woman's Club Records

Identifier: 2006-006
Dates: 1900-2004
Scope and Contents The records of the Houston Heights Woman’s Club consist of awards, certificates and citations acknowledging the positive efforts and contributions to the community made by the members, yearbooks detailing the year’s events and providing membership lists, photo albums showcasing the numerous activities the club’s members have taken part in over the course of the years, and administrative materials, including meeting minutes and audit reports among other documentation. All materials date from...

Houston Saengerbund Records

Identifier: 1989-001
Dates: 1874-2013
Scope and Contents This collection contains event programs, letters, songbooks, newsletters, ledgers, treasury reports, legal case files, and many other materials relating to the activities and administration of the Houston Saengerbund from the years 1874 to 2013. The collection is divided into eight series: Events, Administrative Records, Board of Directors and Committees, Correspondence, Financial Records, Legal Documents, Songbooks, and Publications. Many of the records from the 1950s and earlier are in...

UH Mexican American Alumni Association Records

Identifier: 1997-011
Dates: 1987-1997
Scope and Contents

The Mexican American Alumni Association Records consists of administrative files, financial records, minutes, and correspondence dating from 1987 to 1997. Materials are organized chronologically at the folder level.

Missouri City Chapter of the Links, Inc. Records

Identifier: 2015-001
Dates: 1977-2016
Scope and Contents

This collection includes internal publications such as meeting minutes, budget and program reports, correspondence, and organizational standards; conference materials; press clippings and releases; program development and community partnership information; directories; outreach materials; photographs; and documents cataloging the history of the Links, Inc. in Missouri City, Houston, the Western Area, and the international parent organization.

Moreno Family Houston Experience Collection

Identifier: 2010-012
Dates: 1972-2006; Majority of material found within 1972-1976
Scope and Contents

This collection contains meeting minutes, treasury reports, correspondence, and documents related to the meetings of the Political Association of Spanish Speaking Organizations (PASSO).

This collection also contains documents about the organization of the Conferencia de Mujeres por la Raza. Lastly, this collection contains some typewritten copies of biographies of famous individuals. Materials are arranged chronologically.

Outdoor Nature Club Records

Identifier: 2007-023
Dates: 1923-2007
Scope and Contents

Forms part of Houston History Archives. Primarily organizational records including meeting minutes, newsletters, scrapbooks, photographs, annual reports, and financial records. Outdoor Nature Club Records include approximately 20 linear feet of records including the materials for the study groups.

Paddock Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Council Records

Identifier: 2006-014
Dates: 1914-1989; Majority of material found within 1983-1988
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of two series: Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Council and Ephemera. The first series contains organizational materials for the GHCVC and is broken into ten sub-series. The second series contains materials related to the city of Houston and the state of Texas and is divided into six sub-series.

The Park People Records

Identifier: 2005-004
Dates: 1970-2009; Majority of material found within 1978-2005
Scope and Contents The Park People’s Records include standard organizational documents, including meeting minutes, personnel management, and financial records, plus city planning proposals and reports covering thirty years. Records include grant applications for federal and state programs. They also include details about local programs such as Treescape, a collaborative effort among Trees for Houston, Scenic Houston, and City of Houston in a program to provide incentives and enforcement of the Tree and Shrub...

University of Houston Chapter of Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists Records

Identifier: 1997-014
Dates: 1979-1997
Scope and Contents

The Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists Records consist of consists of a variety of administrative files for the University of Houston chapter. Many of the papers are meeting notes and agendas. Materials are arranged thematically at the folder level without series.

Professor Loyd S. Swenson Papers

Identifier: 1988-002
Dates: 1977-1987
Scope and Contents The processed portion of these papers includes 12 linear feet described in five series. They comprise the editorial files for 100 Years of Science and Technology in Texas, published by Rice University Press in 1986. Professor Swenson, of the University of Houston, and Reverend Leo Klosterman, of the University of St. Thomas, co-edited the work, which was sponsored by Sigma Xi, a scientific research society. The materials date from 1977 to 1987. Included are correspondence with...

Texas Society of Professional Engineers Houston Auxiliary Records

Identifier: 2014-010
Dates: 1959-2013; Majority of material found within 1970-1999
Scope and Contents

This collection contains items created between 1959 and 2013 related to the Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) and their Auxiliary, with a concentration on the Houston branch. The materials are broken up into series and organized chronologically within those series, with particular attention given to the original organization of the materials. There are meeting minutes, president’s records, relevant publications, and other miscellanea.

Top Ladies of Distinction Records

Identifier: 1997-015
Dates: 1964-2001; Majority of material found within 1964-1998
Scope and Contents

This collection is composed of minutes, budgets, programs, and ephemera, arranged into four series. The materials date from 1964-1998 and are organized, for the most part, chronologically. The collection also includes eleven trophies dating from 1991 to 1993. The trophies were awarded at local and national conferences for chapter attendance and best scrapbooks.

UH Women's Resource Center Records

Identifier: 2012-009
Dates: 2004-2008
Scope and Contents

This collection includes materials related to the UH Women’s Resource Center. The collection is broken into four series: General Information, Advertisements, Organizations, and Printed Materials.

Filtered By

  • Language: English X
  • Subject: Administrative records X
  • Subject: Minutes (administrative records) X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Correspondence 25
Newsletters 14
Photographs 11
Financial records 10
Bylaws (administrative records) 9
∨ more
Scrapbooks 8
Houston Region (Tex.) -- Environmental conditions 7
Brochures 6
Publications (documents) 6
Agendas (administrative records) 5
Ephemera 5
Nature conservation 5
Reports 5
Women -- Societies and clubs 5
Administrative records 4
Land use -- Planning 4
Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston 4
Annual reports 3
Clippings (information artifacts) 3
Leaflets (printed works) 3
Maps (documents) 3
Records (documents) 3
Advertisements 2
Budgets 2
Fliers (printed matter) 2
Hispanic Americans -- Texas -- Houston 2
Mexican Americans 2
Newspapers 2
Programs (documents) 2
Science -- History 2
Urban beautification 2
Veterans 2
Wilderness areas 2
Women in higher education 2
Yearbooks 2
African American women 1
Art -- Texas -- Houston 1
Art and literature -- Texas -- Houston 1
Articles 1
Arts -- Texas -- Houston 1
Bank statements 1
Business networks -- Texas -- Houston 1
Businesswomen -- Texas -- Houston 1
Charities 1
Choral Societies -- Texas -- Houston 1
Christian women -- Texas -- Houston 1
City planning -- Texas -- Houston 1
Feminism -- United States 1
Floodplain management 1
Galley proofs 1
German Americans -- Texas -- Houston 1
Houston (Tex.) 1
Houston Heights (Houston, Tex.) 1
Invitations 1
Legal documents 1
Memorabilia 1
Missouri City (Tex.) 1
Notes (documents) 1
Ordinances, Municipal 1
Page proofs 1
Parks 1
Rivers 1
Scores 1
Sheet music 1
Slides (photographs) 1
Social service 1
Speeches (documents) 1
Sustainable development 1
Technology -- Texas -- History 1
Texas -- History -- 1951- 1
Typescripts 1
University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Visual Arts Collections 1
Videotapes 1
Voluntarism 1
Water quality 1
Wilderness area monitoring 1
Women artists -- Texas -- Houston 1
Women in the professions 1
Women's rights -- Texas -- Houston 1
World War, 1939-1945 1
Zoning 1
∧ less
German 1
Spanish; Castilian 1
Houston History Archives 9
University of Houston 9
University of Houston -- History 6
Hershey, Terese Tarlton 2
University of Houston -- Faculty 2