Showing Collections: 16 - 30 of 32
Frank E. Lozo Papers
Written works, field notebooks, maps, photographs, and publications from Frank E. Lozo, geologist with Shell Development Company.
Doug Michels Architectural Papers
This collection includes sketches, renderings, and construction drawings for Doug Michels' design projects; portfolios of his art and design work; 35mm slides and photographic prints; video tapes; movie scripts; publications; personal and business files; and memorabilia. Materials are arranged in series by format or genre and chronologically within each series from 1940s to 2004, with a bulk from 1970s to 1990s.
North America Taiwanese Women's Association Records
This collection includes the photographs, publications, and ephemera belonging to the North America Taiwanese Women's Association. Materials are arranged topically and then chronologically, whenever possible. The series included are: Photo Albums/Scrapbooks, Publications, and Ephemera. The bulk of the materials are written primarily in Taiwanese except for the cookbooks which also include the English translation of the text.
Open University Records
These records relate to the Open University program and include correspondence, reports, program information, workbooks, and classroom supplements. The collection is organized in 3 series: Administrative Files, Classroom Materials, and Audio/Video Tapes. Each series is arranged alphabetically by subject title. Materials range in date from 1970 to 1979. These records are contained in 18 record cartons.
Laura Oren Papers
This collection consists of 8 series and is housed in 2 boxes. The focus of the papers is the various organizations with which Oren has been affiliated. Most notably, this collection includes organizational material regarding the Houston Area Feminist Federal Credit Union, the National Organization for Women and Women and Labor organizations.
The Park People Records
Marjorie Randal National Women's Conference Collection
Raíz of Planned Parenthood Records
The Raíz of Planned Parenthood Records consist of pamphelets, publications, and ephemera created and distributed by Planned Parenthood's Raíz Latinx outreach program. Materials range in date from 2003 to 2014.
Warren Roberts Papers
Sehba Sarwar Papers
Tenneco Energy History Records
Texas Music Collection
Immanuel and Helen Olshan Texas Music Festival Records
Texas Optometric Association Records
This collection contains five series: The TOA President Correspondence, Executive Secretary Correspondence, TOA Committee Correspondence, TOA Administration, and Audio Tapes. Material includes correspondence, memoranda, meetings, newspaper clippings, reports, audio tapes and other administrative material. The collection is arranged chronologically within each series, dating from 1950 to 1999, adhering as much as possible to the original order.
Texas Society of Professional Engineers Houston Auxiliary Records
This collection contains items created between 1959 and 2013 related to the Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) and their Auxiliary, with a concentration on the Houston branch. The materials are broken up into series and organized chronologically within those series, with particular attention given to the original organization of the materials. There are meeting minutes, president’s records, relevant publications, and other miscellanea.
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Correspondence 20
- Photographs 10
- Brochures 8
- Clippings (information artifacts) 8
- Ephemera 6
- Minutes (administrative records) 6
- Newsletters 6
- Financial records 5
- Awards 4
- Houston Region (Tex.) -- Environmental conditions 4
- Videotapes 4
- Bylaws (administrative records) 3
- Land use -- Planning 3
- Pamphlets 3
- Reports 3
- Scrapbooks 3
- Women -- Societies and clubs 3
- Administrative records 2
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 2
- Architecture 2
- Calendars (documents) 2
- Education 2
- Feminism 2
- Feminism -- United States 2
- Houston (Tex.) -- History 2
- Manuscripts (documents) 2
- Maps (documents) 2
- Nature conservation 2
- Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston 2
- Notes (documents) 2
- Programs (documents) 2
- Records (documents) 2
- Slides (photographs) 2
- Women's rights -- Texas -- Houston 2
- Academic rites and ceremonies 1
- Aerial Photographs 1
- African American artists 1
- Agendas (administrative records) 1
- Architecture, Domestic 1
- Art -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Articles 1
- Artists 1
- Artists -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Arts 1
- Asian American women 1
- Audiotapes 1
- Audiovisual materials 1
- Authors -- 20th century 1
- Broadsides (notices) 1
- Children's writings 1
- Counterculture -- United States 1
- Distance education 1
- Drawings (visual works) 1
- Fliers (printed matter) 1
- Floodplain management 1
- Geology 1
- Greeting cards 1
- Harbors -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Health education 1
- Health education of women 1
- Houston (Tex.) -- Politics and government 1
- Houston Ship Channel (Tex.) 1
- Instructional materials 1
- Interviews 1
- Invitations 1
- Leaflets (printed works) 1
- Lectures 1
- Legislators 1
- Memorandums 1
- Music -- History and criticism 1
- Music festivals -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Musicians -- Texas 1
- Negatives (photographs) 1
- Newspapers 1
- Open University 1
- Open learning 1
- Periodicals 1
- Photographic Prints 1
- Photography 1
- Popular music -- History and criticism 1
- Postcards 1
- Posters 1
- Rivers 1
- Sound recordings 1
- Speeches (documents) 1
- Sustainable development 1
- Television -- Production and direction 1
- Television in higher education 1
- Transparencies 1
- Typescripts 1
- University extension 1
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Visual Arts Collections 1
- Urban beautification 1
- Visionary architecture 1
- Water quality 1
- Wilderness areas 1
- Women scientists 1
- Women's rights 1 ∧ less
- Language
- Chinese 1
- Names
- Houston History Archives 5
- University of Houston 5
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Architecture & Planning Research Collections 3
- National Women's Conference 2
- Randal, Marjorie 2
- Ant Farm (Design group) 1
- Bayou Preservation Association 1
- Bentsen, Kenneth, 1926-2013 1
- Bernrieder, William A. 1
- Brown, Andrew, 1969- 1
- GRETA (Organization : Texas) 1
- Grolier Club 1
- Hershey, Terese Tarlton 1
- KUHT Film Productions 1
- KUHT-TV (Television station : Houston, Tex.) 1
- Kaplan, H. David 1
- Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930 1
- Long, Bert L. 1
- Lozo, F.E. (Frank Edgar), 1914-1981 1
- Michels, Doug, 1943-2003 1
- Moores School of Music 1
- North America Taiwanese Women's Association 1
- Oren, Laura 1
- Planned Parenthood of Houston & Southeast Texas 1
- Public Broadcasting Service (U.S.) 1
- Roberts, Warren, 1916-1998 1
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 1
- Sarwar, Sehba 1
- Schlumberger Well Services 1
- Shell Development Company 1
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools 1
- Tenneco Oil Company 1
- Texas Music Festival 1
- Texas Music Festival. Orchestra 1
- United States. Congress. House 1
- United States. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1
- University of Houston -- Administration 1
- University of Houston -- Faculty 1
- University of Houston. Law Center -- Alumni and alumnae 1
- Womynspace (Organization : Houston, Tex.) 1
- Zvonkovic, Gary 1 ∧ less