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Showing Collections: 1 - 15 of 18

Altrusa International Inc., Club of Houston Records

Identifier: 2009-004
Dates: 1936-2009; Majority of material found within 1999-2009
Scope and Contents The full finding aid is available on TARO: collection is organized in 17 series and is housed in 6 boxes that document the organization and community volunteer programs of the Altrusa Club of Houston. The collection includes meeting minutes, financial records, and annual records. Concerning the club's yearly activities, there...

Association for Women in Science Records

Identifier: 2003-003
Dates: 1976-2002
Scope and Contents The current collection consists of general organizational records. Administrative materials such as agendas, minutes, financial reports, bylaws, correspondences of the AWIS Gulf Coast Chapter are present. Events, fundraisers, magazines, newsletters, publications and other programs make up the rest of the collection. The bulk of the papers are dated between 1993 and 1999.The records are arranged into twelve series: Organization, Events, Financial, Fundraisers, Magazines,...

Church Women United in Houston Records

Identifier: 2001-001
Dates: 1911-2011; Majority of material found in 1989-2006
Scope and Contents The collection arrived at the archives in good order and in general the original order has been maintained. Although primarily concerned with Church Women United in Houston, the collection also contains material from the state and national levels. Information in the collection includes material on the history of the organization, business and financial records, materials from the three annual celebrations, and programs from area worship services. It also includes yearbooks, photographs, and...

Federation of Houston Professional Women Records

Identifier: 1998-006
Dates: 1981-2000
Scope and Contents The papers of the Federation of Houston Professional Women (FHPW) consist primarily of meeting notices, agendas, and minutes; fliers for Federation or Federation-sponsored activities; financial reports; membership rosters; and photographs. The majority of the material falls between 1990 and 1997. The collection does, however, contain the minutes of the original meeting of the FHPW in 1981. Member organization rosters give researchers an impression of women's business and professional...

Greater Houston Women's Foundation Records

Identifier: 1999-006
Dates: 1989-2000
Scope and Contents The records of the Greater Houston Women's Foundation (GHWF) consist mainly of documents related to the organization, including financial and administrative records, membership records, newsletters, correspondence, and some oversize material such as promotional posters and placards. The material is arranged into eleven series: Administrative Records, Articles, Correspondence, Education, Ephemera, Financial Records, Invitations, Membership Records, Newsletters, Oversize Materials,...

Hispanic Women in Leadership Records

Identifier: 1999-007
Dates: 1977-2000; Majority of material found within 1987-2000
Scope and Contents The Hispanic Women in Leadership collection contains information about the group's conferences, meetings, organization, and programs. The conferences series is the largest, as the annual conference is the main activity of Hispanic Women. The group organized their papers in three-ring binders, but in order to facilitate access to the collection, the material has for the most part been re-arranged chronologically in broad series such as administrative, correspondence, and conferences, and then...

Houston Assembly of Delphian Chapters Records

Identifier: 2008-011
Dates: Majority of material found within 1929-2005
Scope and Contents

The collection is housed in 5 boxes and organized in 10 series: Organizational Information; The Delphian Society Manuals; Special Projects; Correspondence; Bit-O-News Newsletters; Photographic Material; Publicity Clippings; Delphian Memorial Scholarship Fund; Delphian Chapters’ Scrapbooks and Houston Delphian Assembly Scrapbooks. These series document the organization’s operations, numerous social events and scholarship fund information.

Houston Council of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. Records

Identifier: 2003-002
Dates: 1943-2003
Scope and Contents The collection arrived in generally good order and condition. Some material from the late 1950s to early 1960s was very brittle, and has been placed in protective mylar. The collection includes an almost complete run of minutes, financials, and yearbooks.The collection includes several large, typical scrapbooks and several smaller types of scrapbooks. These scrapbooks were compiled and submitted for various awards at the local and state levels. Most of the information on the...

Houston Heights Woman's Club Records

Identifier: 2006-006
Dates: 1900-2004
Scope and Contents The records of the Houston Heights Woman’s Club consist of awards, certificates and citations acknowledging the positive efforts and contributions to the community made by the members, yearbooks detailing the year’s events and providing membership lists, photo albums showcasing the numerous activities the club’s members have taken part in over the course of the years, and administrative materials, including meeting minutes and audit reports among other documentation. All materials date from...

Houston Women's Caucus for Art Records

Identifier: 1999-001
Dates: 1972-2004; Majority of material found in 1985-2000
Scope and Contents The papers for the Houston Women's Caucus for Art (HWCA) span from its founding in 1978 to 2004. Some items, however, pre-date this period. The largest portion of the records is devoted to photos and to art exhibitions sponsored by the Caucus. The next largest portion includes newsletters, grant applications and fundraising, financial records, and conferences. The remainder of the collection is devoted to information pertaining to the business of the Caucus, membership, and the visual arts...

North America Taiwanese Women's Association Records

Identifier: 2013-006
Dates: 1989-2013
Scope and Contents

This collection includes the photographs, publications, and ephemera belonging to the North America Taiwanese Women's Association. Materials are arranged topically and then chronologically, whenever possible. The series included are: Photo Albums/Scrapbooks, Publications, and Ephemera. The bulk of the materials are written primarily in Taiwanese except for the cookbooks which also include the English translation of the text.

River Oaks Blossom Club Records

Identifier: 1999-008
Dates: 1939-2004
Scope and Contents

The River Oaks Blossom Club collection contains material dating from the Club's inception in 1939 through 2004. The collection is divided into three series: Yearbooks, Administrative, and Photographs. The Yearbooks and Photographs are arranged chronologically. The Administrative series is arranged chronologically, then alphabetically.

River Oaks Business Women's Exchange Club Records

Identifier: 2006-007
Dates: 1977-2007
Scope and Contents The full finding aid is available on TARO: collection is housed in 3 boxes and 2 drawers and is organized into 10 series entitled: Organizational Documents, Roster/Year Books, Newsletters, Photographic Works, ROBWEC Anniversaries, Invitations and Greetings, Clippings, Correspondence, Notes, and Ephemera. The bulk of the material...

River Oaks Rose Club Records

Identifier: 2015-003
Dates: 1974-2014
Scope and Contents

This collection includes photos of Rose Club events, yearbooks that catalog membership, secretarial records and correspondence, and several scrapbooks. The majority of the materials are arranged chronologically and in the order they were received from donors.

ROADwomen Records

Identifier: 2011-014
Dates: 1994-2008; Majority of material found within 1997-2002
Scope and Contents The collection is primarily concerned with the River Oaks Area Democratic Women, though it also contains material for both Democrat and Republican political candidates. Material in the collection includes correspondence, business and financial records, photographs, and the organization’s publication, Register. The collection is divided into six series: Governance, ROADwomen Register, Events and Programs, Organizations, Campaign Materials, and Various Materials. All series are arranged...

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  • Language: English X
  • Subject: Women -- Societies and clubs X

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Photographs 9
Newsletters 8
Administrative records 7
Correspondence 7
Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston 6