Showing Collections: 91 - 105 of 627
Coalition of Women's Art Organizations Records
Subject files concerning the interests and activities of the Coalition of Women's Art Organizations. Files include correspondence; members' resumes; address lists; business records; statistical reports; drafts for lectures; minutes from meetings; 3 untranscribed cassette tape recordings of meetings; and printed material including clippings, newsletters, press releases, programs, and brochures.
Mildred Cocke papers
A scrapbook containing ca. 10 letters received, 1970's; exhibition announcements and catalogs, including those of her daughter, Tinka Tarver; clippings; family memorabilia; printed material; and ca. 20 photographs of Cocke, her family and friends, and her works of art.
Ellen Cohen papers
The collection contains political campaign ads, photos, prints, news clippings, correspondence, ephemera,awards, and speeches that document her political career. Also contained is a personal scrapbook that contain early family photos that document her family history and early career.
This collection is not yet fully processed. For questions about materials in this collection or to request access, contact curator Vince Lee at
Thomas Cole Desegregation Papers
Marion E. Coleman Papers
Personal papers of Marion E. Coleman, owner of House of Coleman print shop, Kindred Spirits bar, and the Kindred Spirits foundation.
This collection is not yet fully processed. For questions about materials in this collection or to request access, contact the collection curator Joyce Gabiola
College of Arts and Sciences Records
College of Education Records
Cullen College of Engineering Records
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Records
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Records
College of Optometry Records
College of Pharmacy Records
These records contain 1 box relating to the College of Pharmacy at the University of Houston. A significant portion of this material was given to the archives from the university Print Plant. Material includes correspondence, course information, event programs and flyers, stationary, newspaper articles, abstracts, magazines, and other published material. The collection is arranged chronologically. Material ranges in date from the 1950’s to 2009.
College of Technology Records
These records contain 2 boxes relating to the College of Technology at the University of Houston. Material includes booklets, flyers, reports, handbooks, manuals, and video tapes. This collection is arranged chronologically and alphabetically as necessary by the following series; booklets and flyers, and videos. Materials range in date from the 1940’s to 2009.
Coming Out Together to Share Our History Interviews
Commencement/Convocation Collection
Filtered By
- Language: English X
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Additional filters:
- Repository
- University of Houston Libraries Special Collections 560
- Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas Art Project Microfilm 67
- Subject
- Correspondence 162
- Photographs 109
- Clippings (information artifacts) 80
- TexTreasures -- 2020 65
- Newsletters 39
- Minutes (administrative records) 35
- Brochures 34
- Scrapbooks 34
- Typescripts 34
- Administrative records 32
- Publications (documents) 32
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Visual Arts Collections 29
- Financial records 28
- Manuscripts (documents) 27
- Ephemera 22
- Programs (documents) 21
- Authors -- 20th century 19
- Records (documents) 19
- Artists 18
- Audiotapes 18
- Authors, American -- 20th century 18
- Women -- Societies and clubs 18
- Newspapers 17
- Women artists 17
- Bylaws (administrative records) 16
- Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston 16
- Posters 16
- Articles 15
- Artists -- Texas -- Houston 15
- Fliers (printed matter) 15
- Houston Region (Tex.) -- Environmental conditions 14
- Pamphlets 14
- Videotapes 14
- Architecture 13
- Memorabilia 13
- Reports 13
- Houston (Tex.) -- History 11
- Postcards 11
- Personal papers 10
- Photographers 10
- Speeches (documents) 10
- Theater programs 10
- Women artists -- Texas -- Houston 10
- World War, 1939-1945 10
- Agendas (administrative records) 9
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 9
- Houston (Tex.) 9
- Maps (documents) 9
- Periodicals 9
- Art -- Texas -- Houston 8
- Books 8
- Legal documents 8
- Rap (Music) -- Texas -- Houston 8
- Slides (photographs) 8
- Sound recordings 8
- Women painters 8
- Yearbooks 8
- Architecture, Domestic 7
- Art 7
- Audiovisual materials 7
- Feminism 7
- Hip-hop -- Texas -- Houston 7
- Interviews 7
- Page proofs 7
- Rap musicians -- Texas -- Houston 7
- Theater 7
- Diaries 6
- Galley proofs 6
- Invitations 6
- Land use -- Planning 6
- Photography 6
- Poets -- 20th century 6
- Scripts (documents) 6
- TexTreasures 6
- Advertisements 5
- Annual reports 5
- Awards 5
- Business records 5
- Compact discs 5
- Education 5
- Greeting cards 5
- Houston (Tex.) -- Politics and government 5
- Nature conservation 5
- Negatives (photographs) 5
- Notes (documents) 5
- Petroleum industry and trade 5
- Playbills 5
- Poems 5
- Poets, American -- 20th century 5
- Texas -- History 5
- African Americans -- Segregation -- Texas -- Houston 4
- Broadsides (notices) 4
- Budgets 4
- Business 4
- Businesswomen -- Texas -- Houston 4
- Essays 4
- Houston Ship Channel (Tex.) 4
- Mexican Americans 4
- Painting, Modern 4
- Performing arts 4 ∧ less
- Language
- Spanish; Castilian 15
- French 2
- German 2
- Chinese 1
- Dutch; Flemish 1
- Norwegian 1 ∧ less
- Names
- University of Houston 77
- Houston History Archives 36
- University of Houston -- Faculty 35
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Architecture & Planning Research Collections 28
- University of Houston -- History 13
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections and Archives Department 9
- Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project 6
- University of Houston -- Alumni and alumnae 6
- Barthelme, Donald 5
- Houston (Cruiser : CA-30) 5
- National Women's Conference 5
- University of Houston Libraries Special Collections. Houston Dance Archives 5
- University of Houston. Creative Writing Program 5
- University of Houston. Department of English 5
- University of Houston. Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design 5
- Sharing Stories from 1977 4
- University of Houston. College of Business Administration 4
- University of Houston. Department of History 4
- University of Houston. Libraries 4
- DJ Screw, 1971-2000 3
- Hershey, Terese Tarlton 3
- KPFT-FM (Radio station : Houston, Tex.) 3
- League of United Latin American Citizens 3
- Miller, Vassar 3
- Moody Gallery (Houston, Tex.) 3
- Pacifica Radio 3
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 3
- University of Houston -- Administration 3
- University of Houston. Faculty Senate 3
- University of Houston. School of Communication 3
- Alley Theatre (Houston, Tex.) 2
- American Association of University Professors. University of Houston Chapter 2
- Arte Público Press 2
- Bernrieder, William A. 2
- Burma-Siam Railroad 2
- Carper, James 2
- Contemporary Arts Museum (Houston, Tex.) 2
- Dixon, Royal, 1885-1962 2
- Doyle, JD 2
- Emmott, Sarah H. 2
- Ferguson, James Edward, 1871-1944 2
- Foley's (Firm) 2
- Frontier Fiesta (University of Houston) 2
- GRETA (Organization : Texas) 2
- Galbreth, Michael, 1956-2019 2
- Houston Grand Opera 2
- Houston Symphony Orchestra 2
- Houston Symphony Society 2
- KUHT Film Productions 2
- KUHT-TV (Television station : Houston, Tex.) 2
- Kaplan, H. David 2
- Lienhard, John H., 1930- 2
- Lindahl, Carl, 1947- 2
- Long, Bert L. 2
- Lowry, Beverly 2
- McElhinney, Charles Flemming 2
- Oberholtzer, E. E. (Edison Ellsworth), 1880-1954 2
- Parker, Annise 2
- Phi Kappa Phi 2
- Public Access Computer Systems Forum (PACS-L) 2
- Public Broadcasting Service (U.S.) 2
- Randal, Marjorie 2
- Randolph, Lynn, 1938- 2
- Salinas, Porfirio, 1910-1973 2
- Sarwar, Sehba 2
- Screwed Up Click (Musical group) 2
- Shuart, Carey Chenoweth 2
- Tarver, Tinka, 1932- 2
- Texas Medical Center 2
- United States. Congress. House 2
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 2
- University of Houston. Center for Mexican American Studies 2
- University of Houston. College of Arts and Sciences 2
- University of Houston. College of Education 2
- University of Houston. College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 2
- University of Houston. College of Optometry 2
- University of Houston. Law Center -- Alumni and alumnae 2
- University of Houston. Office of University Relations 2
- University of Houston. School of Theatre and Dance 2
- University of Houston. Veteran's Office 2
- University of Houston. Women's Studies Program 2
- Actors Studio (New York, N.Y.) 1
- Aker, Joe C. 1
- Albrecht, Mary Dickson, 1930-2007 1
- Allensworth, Jane, 1937- 1
- Allred, James V., 1899-1959 1
- Altrusa International 1
- American Association for Adult and Continuing Education 1
- American Association of University Women 1
- American Association of University Women. West Harris County Branch 1
- American G.I. Forum 1
- Anderson, Clayton & Co. 1
- Anderson, John Q., 1941-1970 1
- Ant Farm (Design group) 1
- Armstrong, Martha, 1935- 1
- Art Guys (Group) 1
- Art Museum of South Texas 1
- Artists Coalition of Texas 1
- Astrodome (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Aurora Picture Show 1 ∧ less