Showing Collections: 46 - 60 of 163
Hana Ginzbarg Papers
Identifier: 2010-014
1962-1991; Majority of material found within 1970-1985
Scope and Contents
Materials in this collection represent Hana Ginzbarg’s working files for Armand Bayou. To make the files accessible to the public, they were organized into three series. Series 1 includes materials related to Ginzbarg’s initial campaign to prevent development in the Armand Bayou area. Papers in Series 2 cover the subsequent efforts to preserve Armand Bayou as a nature education center and protect the area from proposed encroachments. Papers in Series 3 include maps and oversized...
Greater Houston Women's Foundation Records
Identifier: 1999-006
Scope and Contents
The records of the Greater Houston Women's Foundation (GHWF) consist mainly of documents related to the organization, including financial and administrative records, membership records, newsletters, correspondence, and some oversize material such as promotional posters and placards. The material is arranged into eleven series: Administrative Records, Articles, Correspondence, Education, Ephemera, Financial Records, Invitations, Membership Records, Newsletters, Oversize Materials,...
Bessie Alva Griffiths Papers
Identifier: 1969-020
Scope and Contents
The Bessie Alva Griffiths Collection contains photographs, memorabilia, and papers such as programs and miscellaneous correspondence and receipts. The dates of items in the collection range from 1888 to 1940. Original order of materials has been adhered to whenever possible. Correspondence and receipts are arranged in chronological order. Included among the papers in the Griffiths Collection are materials belonging to Griffiths' roommate Katherine Dick, who may have...
Harris County Women's Political Caucus Records
Identifier: 2011-001
Scope and Contents
This collection is comprised of one box and includes newsletters and correspondence from the Harris County Women’s Political Caucus and the Texas and National Women’s Political Caucuses, brochures, convention related documents and histories and bylaws of the organizations. It also includes a few issues of the Women’s Political Times, a publication of the National Women’s Political Caucus. Materials are arranged regionally, and then by topic within each regional series.
Ken R. Harry Architectural Papers
Identifier: 2016-027
This collection consists of the records of Ken R. Harry Associates, including project files and architectural drawings ranging from 1972 to 2015.
Joseph M. Heiser, Jr. Papers
Identifier: 2007-024
Scope and Contents
Forms part of the Houston History Archives.Most of the Joseph M. Heiser Jr. collection contains papers and very delicate carbon correspondence copies. The Joseph M. Heiser, Jr. Papers is a collection that is comprised of the individual’s obituaries, carbon copy publications, writings, publications, membership acceptance letters, organization donations [philanthropy], will and estates information, correspondence, outdoor nature club correspondence, outdoor nature club publications...
Helen Moore Barthelme Papers
Identifier: 2008-021
Scope and Contents
This collection contains photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, short stories, and articles related to or written by Donald Barthelme and his brothers, Rick, Steve, and Peter Barthelme, as well as notes by Helen Barthelme. This collection contains research that Helen Barthelme gathered in order to write a biography on Donald Barthelme Jr., Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound. This collection encompasses his early life and career both as a writer and as director of the...
Terry Tarlton Hershey Papers
Identifier: 2005-005
Scope and Contents
This partial collection includes some biographical materials on Terry Hershey, background information on groups who have solicited or received philanthropic support from Hershey or the Hershey Foundation, and available materials on the local groups Hershey supported as a founder, board member, or supporter. A second portion of the Hershey collections includes her collected materials on state and national organizations to which she belonged or served on boards.Additional partial...
Hispanic Women in Leadership Records
Identifier: 1999-007
1977-2000; Majority of material found within 1987-2000
Scope and Contents
The Hispanic Women in Leadership collection contains information about the group's conferences, meetings, organization, and programs. The conferences series is the largest, as the annual conference is the main activity of Hispanic Women. The group organized their papers in three-ring binders, but in order to facilitate access to the collection, the material has for the most part been re-arranged chronologically in broad series such as administrative, correspondence, and conferences, and then...
Lucian T. Hood, A.I.A. Architectural Papers
Identifier: 2007-007
Scope and Contents
The Lucian T. Hood, A.I.A. Architectural Collection is comprised of architectural drawings as well as business files from the Lucian Hood, Inc. residential design firm. The collection contains Hood’s architectural drawings from the 1950s to 2006. The collection is not complete; records for many of the early projects have been lost or destroyed.In 1992, William Carl acquired the Lucian T. Hood architectural firm to modify and re-design existing plans for clients. The firm built...
Houston Area NOW and Other Feminist Activities Collection
Identifier: 2002-003
Scope and Contents
This collection is comprised of the files maintained by the members of the Houston Area (National Organization for Women) NOW. Not all of the files pertain specifically to Houston NOW activities and organizations because several of the members were active in other NOW affiliated organizations. The collection is organized into 11 series: Houston area NOW; Texas NOW organization(s) ; Other state, regional and/or local NOW organizations; National NOW; NOW task forces and committees; NOW social...
Houston Area Women's Center Photographs
Identifier: 1996-005-b
1977-2001; Majority of material found within 1985-1995
Scope and Contents
The Houston Area Women’s Center Photographs contain both color and black and white photographs of various sizes, proof sheets, negatives, slides, and some correspondence. Items date from 1978 to 2001 with most of the material dating from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. The bulk of the collection chronicles the varied activities of the organization, including staff activities such as work, picnics and parties, fundraisers, demonstrations, conferences, seminars and programs. Included in the...
Houston Electric Auto Association Records
Identifier: 2016-047
1973-2011; Majority of material found within 1995-2006
Scope and Contents
This collection includes the organization's correspondence with the government and members' correspondence amongst themselves, as well as announcements of meetings and different events that they held occasionally. It also includes electric battery review booklets plus articles showing the organization and members' various achievements. Included are photographs of various occasions hosted or attended by the Houston Electric Auto Association members, brochures showing different...
Houston Gorilla Girls Records
Identifier: 2010-006
1985-2000; Majority of material found within 1988-1997
Scope and Contents
This collection includes the records, written works, collected writings, and photographs that document the development of the Houston Gorilla Girls, an anonymnous women’s art collective that protested sexism and racism in the art world from the 1987 to the late nineties. There are nine series, spanning from 1985 to 2000 which are entitled as follows: Correspondence; Organizational Documents and Photographs; Propaganda; Diverse Works Installation: Another Dead Horse; Rice University...
Houston Heights Woman's Club Records
Identifier: 2006-006
Scope and Contents
The records of the Houston Heights Woman’s Club consist of awards, certificates and citations acknowledging the positive efforts and contributions to the community made by the members, yearbooks detailing the year’s events and providing membership lists, photo albums showcasing the numerous activities the club’s members have taken part in over the course of the years, and administrative materials, including meeting minutes and audit reports among other documentation. All materials date from...
Filtered By
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Photographs 84
- Clippings (information artifacts) 64
- Typescripts 27
- Brochures 26
- Newsletters 26
- Minutes (administrative records) 25
- Scrapbooks 22
- Administrative records 21
- Manuscripts (documents) 21
- Financial records 20
- Publications (documents) 20
- Authors -- 20th century 16
- Authors, American -- 20th century 16
- Bylaws (administrative records) 13
- Newspapers 13
- Audiotapes 12
- Articles 11
- Fliers (printed matter) 11
- Programs (documents) 11
- Records (documents) 11
- Ephemera 10
- Memorabilia 10
- Videotapes 10
- Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston 9
- Postcards 9
- Speeches (documents) 9
- Agendas (administrative records) 8
- Pamphlets 8
- Posters 8
- Reports 8
- Maps (documents) 7
- Women -- Societies and clubs 7
- World War, 1939-1945 7
- Architecture 6
- Art -- Texas -- Houston 6
- Books 6
- Feminism 6
- Houston Region (Tex.) -- Environmental conditions 6
- Page proofs 6
- Scripts (documents) 6
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 5
- Awards 5
- Diaries 5
- Galley proofs 5
- Invitations 5
- Legal documents 5
- Periodicals 5
- Poets -- 20th century 5
- Poets, American -- 20th century 5
- Slides (photographs) 5
- Sound recordings 5
- Texas -- History -- 1846-1950 5
- Theater programs 5
- Advertisements 4
- Audiovisual materials 4
- Compact discs 4
- Greeting cards 4
- Interviews 4
- Land use -- Planning 4
- Nature conservation 4
- Notes (documents) 4
- Personal papers 4
- Rosters 4
- Sheet music 4
- Texas -- History 4
- Texas -- History -- To 1846 4
- Theater 4
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 4
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Visual Arts Collections 4
- Women -- Political activity -- Texas -- Houston 4
- Women artists -- Texas -- Houston 4
- Women's rights -- Texas -- Houston 4
- Yearbooks 4
- African Americans -- Segregation -- Texas -- Houston 3
- Budgets 3
- Business records 3
- Education 3
- Houston (Tex.) 3
- Houston (Tex.) -- History 3
- Houston (Tex.) -- Politics and government 3
- Houston (Tex.) -- Social life and customs 3
- Leaflets (printed works) 3
- People with disabilities 3
- Performing arts 3
- Playbills 3
- Politicians 3
- Scores 3
- Women's rights 3
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Pacific Area 3
- Annual reports 2
- Architecture, Domestic 2
- Artists 2
- Artists -- Texas -- Houston 2
- Arts -- Texas -- Houston 2
- Authors, American 2
- Authors, English -- 20th century 2
- Bankers -- Texas -- Houston 2
- Broadsides (notices) 2
- Business 2 ∧ less
- Language
- English 162
- Spanish; Castilian 6
- Dutch; Flemish 1
- French 1
- German 1
- Norwegian 1 ∧ less
- Names
- University of Houston 25
- University of Houston -- Faculty 20
- Houston History Archives 14
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Architecture & Planning Research Collections 6
- University of Houston -- History 5
- Barthelme, Donald 4
- University of Houston -- Alumni and alumnae 4
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections and Archives Department 4
- Houston (Cruiser : CA-30) 3
- Miller, Vassar 3
- University of Houston. College of Business Administration 3
- University of Houston. Creative Writing Program 3
- Ferguson, James Edward, 1871-1944 2
- Fuermann, George, 1918-2001 2
- Hershey, Terese Tarlton 2
- Lowry, Beverly 2
- National Women's Conference 2
- Randal, Marjorie 2
- University of Houston. Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design 2
- University of Houston. Law Center -- Alumni and alumnae 2
- University of Houston. Veteran's Office 2
- University of Houston. Women's Studies Program 2
- Actors Studio (New York, N.Y.) 1
- Alley Theatre (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Allred, James V., 1899-1959 1
- Altrusa International 1
- American Association of University Professors. University of Houston Chapter 1
- Ant Farm (Design group) 1
- Astrodome (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Autry, James L. 1
- Battin, Tom C. 1
- Bayou Preservation Association 1
- Ben Taub General Hospital 1
- Bentsen, Kenneth, 1926-2013 1
- Borish, Irvin M. 1
- Bowles, Paul, 1910-1999 1
- Brigid's Place (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Brooks, Dale, 1954-2014 1
- Brown, Andrew, 1969- 1
- Brown, Steven Ford 1
- Bukowski, Charles 1
- Burma-Siam Railroad 1
- Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925 1
- Calk, M. L. 1
- Catastrophic Theatre 1
- Chenoweth, Blanche Espy 1
- Christ Church Cathedral (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Citizens' Environmental Coalition 1
- Cole, Thomas R., 1949- 1
- Confederate States of America. Army. Alabama Infantry Regiment, 23rd 1
- Confederate States of America. Army. Texas Brigade 1
- Conferencia de Mujeres por la Raza 1
- Contemporary Arts Association (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Contemporary Arts Museum (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Cooper, Tamarie 1
- Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System 1
- Cougar Marching Band (University of Houston) 1
- Crawford, Cheryl, 1902-1986 1
- Cullinan, J. S. (Joseph Stephen), 1860-1937 1
- Cunningham, Minnie Fisher 1
- De Hartog, Jan, 1914-2002 1
- De Hartog, Marjorie 1
- De la Mare, Walter, 1873-1956 1
- Dixon, Royal, 1885-1962 1
- Dudley, Frank Elijah, 1884- 1
- Edgerton, William W. 1
- Eiden, Herman George, 1922-1942 1
- Elliott, Claude, 1896-1958 1
- Emmott, Sarah H. 1
- Ewing Family 1
- Ewing, Gladys 1
- Ewing, Josie Vesta 1
- Ewing, Mary Ellen Williams, 1862-1919 1
- Ewing, Presley Kittredge, 1860- 1
- Farb, Carolyn 1
- Ferguson, Miriam Amanda, 1875-1961 1
- Flaxman, Thomas 1
- Foley's (Firm) 1
- GRETA (Organization : Texas) 1
- Galbreth, Michael, 1956-2019 1
- Ginzbarg, Hana 1
- Greater Houston Women's Foundation 1
- Griffiths, Bessie Alva, 1896- 1
- Group Theatre (U.S.) 1
- Hale, Leon 1
- Harry, Ken R. 1
- Heiser, Joseph Mathew, Jr., 1897-1987 1
- Hightower, Nikki Van, 1939- 1
- Hispanic Women in Leadership 1
- Hoff, P.J. (P.J. Hoffstrom) 1
- Hofheinz, Roy, 1912-1982 1
- Hood, Lucian T., 1916-2001 1
- Houston Astros (Baseball team) 1
- Houston Colt 45's (Baseball team) 1
- Houston Electric Auto Association 1
- Houston National Bank (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Houston Saengerbund 1
- Houston Symphony Orchestra 1
- Houston Symphony Society 1
- Hughes, Howard Robard, 1869-1924 1 ∧ less
∨ more
∨ more
∨ more