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Showing Collections: 1 - 15 of 16

Altrusa International Inc., Club of Houston Records

Identifier: 2009-004
Dates: 1936-2009; Majority of material found within 1999-2009
Scope and Contents The full finding aid is available on TARO: collection is organized in 17 series and is housed in 6 boxes that document the organization and community volunteer programs of the Altrusa Club of Houston. The collection includes meeting minutes, financial records, and annual records. Concerning the club's yearly activities, there...

Asians Against Domestic Abuse Records

Identifier: 2010-005
Dates: 1985-2010; Majority of material found within 2001-2010
Scope and Contents

This collection includes the articles of incorporation, by-laws, administrative documents, informational brochures, records of consciousness raising and fund-raising events, and newspaper clippings for the Asians Against Domestic Abuse organization. Materials are arranged topically and then chronologically, whenever possible. The series included are: Administrative Documents and Brochures and Other Publicity. The collection is comprised of 12 folders contained in 1 box.

Association for Women in Science Records

Identifier: 2003-003
Dates: 1976-2002
Scope and Contents The current collection consists of general organizational records. Administrative materials such as agendas, minutes, financial reports, bylaws, correspondences of the AWIS Gulf Coast Chapter are present. Events, fundraisers, magazines, newsletters, publications and other programs make up the rest of the collection. The bulk of the papers are dated between 1993 and 1999.The records are arranged into twelve series: Organization, Events, Financial, Fundraisers, Magazines,...

Brigid's Place Records

Identifier: 1999-003
Dates: 1974-2011; Majority of material found in 1993-1997
Scope and Contents Although the Women's Assembly founded Brigid's Place in 1996, the papers in the processed portion of this collection span from 1974 to 2011. Some research items date to the late 1980s and early 1990s. The original accession of papers arrived in five boxes, which split naturally into the two categories of the Women's Assembly and Brigid's Place. The papers were arranged topically and chronologically. The largest portion of the papers concern the Women's Assembly and Brigid's...

Houston Area Women's Center Photographs

Identifier: 1996-005-b
Dates: 1977-2001; Majority of material found within 1985-1995
Scope and Contents The Houston Area Women’s Center Photographs contain both color and black and white photographs of various sizes, proof sheets, negatives, slides, and some correspondence. Items date from 1978 to 2001 with most of the material dating from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. The bulk of the collection chronicles the varied activities of the organization, including staff activities such as work, picnics and parties, fundraisers, demonstrations, conferences, seminars and programs. Included in the...

Houston Area Women's Center Videos

Identifier: 1996-005-c
Dates: 1980-2003
Scope and Contents The Houston Area Women’s Center Videos contain VHS tapes, Umatics, Beta tapes, and audio tapes. Items date from the 1980 to the present, with most of the material dating from the mid 1990s. The bulk of the collection contains recordings of TV shows, news reports, and events relating to women issues such as domestic violence, and rape. There are also HAWC produced videos, and other educational videos used by the center.Researchers may also wish to consult other collections held at...

Houston Assembly of Delphian Chapters Records

Identifier: 2008-011
Dates: Majority of material found within 1929-2005
Scope and Contents

The collection is housed in 5 boxes and organized in 10 series: Organizational Information; The Delphian Society Manuals; Special Projects; Correspondence; Bit-O-News Newsletters; Photographic Material; Publicity Clippings; Delphian Memorial Scholarship Fund; Delphian Chapters’ Scrapbooks and Houston Delphian Assembly Scrapbooks. These series document the organization’s operations, numerous social events and scholarship fund information.

Houston Women's Caucus for Art Records

Identifier: 1999-001
Dates: 1972-2004; Majority of material found in 1985-2000
Scope and Contents The papers for the Houston Women's Caucus for Art (HWCA) span from its founding in 1978 to 2004. Some items, however, pre-date this period. The largest portion of the records is devoted to photos and to art exhibitions sponsored by the Caucus. The next largest portion includes newsletters, grant applications and fundraising, financial records, and conferences. The remainder of the collection is devoted to information pertaining to the business of the Caucus, membership, and the visual arts...

Komen Foundation, Houston Records

Identifier: 2008-009
Dates: 1992-2012; Majority of material found within 1997-2008
Scope and Contents The processed Komen Foundation, Houston Records are housed in 35 boxes. The materials are arranged chronologically in ongoing yearly series with the following recurring subseries: Administrative Documents, Organizational Documents, Roster, Scholarships and Grants, Informational Material, Newsletters, Sponsors, Events, Race for Cure, Clippings and Correspondence, etc. Most notably, this collection documents organizational events and fundraising efforts from 1998 to 2012.In...

UH Mexican American Alumni Association Records

Identifier: 1997-011
Dates: 1987-1997
Scope and Contents

The Mexican American Alumni Association Records consists of administrative files, financial records, minutes, and correspondence dating from 1987 to 1997. Materials are organized chronologically at the folder level.

Scenic Houston - Scenic Texas Records

Identifier: 2008-010
Dates: 1963-2008
Scope and Contents Scenic Houston is a chapter of Scenic Texas, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that focuses on promoting policies and actions that enhance the beauty and appeal of our streetscapes and roadways. Scenic Houston works to reduce existing billboard blight, prevent new billboard construction, foster attractive on-premises signage, incorporate context-sensitive design in the planning of highways and other public projects, and protect the natural beauty and distinctive character of our...

Toby M. Myers, Deborah D. Tucker, and Maria Jose Angelelli Texas Council on Family Violence Records

Identifier: 1998-005
Dates: 1974-2016; Majority of material found within 1980-1998
Scope and Contents The Toby M. Myers, Deborah D. Tucker, and Maria Jose Angelelli Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) Records contain written records of the organization, as well as photographs and ephemera from the group. Items in the collection range in date from 1974 to 2001, with most of the material dating from the 1990s. The bulk of the collection details the various activities of the group since its inception in 1978, including conferences attended or organized, political and legislative activity,...

Voices Breaking Boundaries Records

Identifier: 2014-015
Dates: 1999-2016
Scope and Contents This collection contains materials from Voices Breaking Boundaries’ (VBB) history and administration, planning documents, event materials, press clippings and audio-visual materials.In addition to paper records, this collection also contains digital archival material. Digital archival materials can be accessed in the Special Collections Reading Room by advance request. Because not all of these materials are processed, these materials may require up to two weeks to access. Some...

Women in Action Records

Identifier: 2001-006
Dates: 1970-1998
Scope and Contents The collection arrived in the archives in good order, and the original order has been maintained for the most part. The collection consists of material dating from 1970 to 1998, and is arranged into four series: Administrative Records, Financial Records, T.A.M.I. House, and Ephemera. The first two series include material pertaining to general W.I.A. activities and to T.A.M.I. House, such as board of director's minutes and newsletters; the T.A.M.I. House series' material pertains only to that...

Women's Fund for Health Education and Resiliency (HER) Records

Identifier: 2000-002
Dates: 1979-2014
Scope and Contents The Women's Fund for Health Education and Resiliency Records collection consists of 34 boxes of material, including fundraising and educational outreach events documentation, administrative materials, committee meeting minutes and files, correspondence, membership rosters, income tallies, research grant applications, photographs, newsletters, and publications. Arriving in two installments, the processed records date from 1979-2014 and were not interfiled. As a result, materials within each...

Filtered By

  • Repository: University of Houston Libraries Special Collections X
  • Subject: Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston X

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Newsletters 10
Correspondence 9
Photographs 8
Women -- Societies and clubs 6
Brochures 5