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Showing Collections: 16 - 30 of 69

Early Texas Documents Collection

Identifier: 1973-001
Dates: 1790-1923
Scope and Contents The collection is a result of integrating 10 smaller artificial collections into one larger artificial collection to improve organization and facilitate greater access. It chronicles the history of Texas, from the Spanish Colonial Era through the turn of the 20th century. The material has been arranged chronologically into eight series based on eras of Texas History: Spanish Colonial, Mexican Colonial, 1836, Republic, Mexican War, Early Statehood, Civil War, Reconstruction and Westward...

Faculty Organizations Records

Identifier: 1969-063
Dates: 1951-2005
Scope and Contents

The Faculty Organizations Records primarily consist of organizational minutes, as well as constitutions, bylaws, and report. Materials are arranged by chronological order. Records include those of the Faculty Association (1954-1963), Faculty Assembly (1951-1959), and Faculty Senate (1969-2005).

Carolyn Farb Papers

Identifier: 2000-005
Dates: 1955-2011; Majority of material found within 2000-2011
Scope and Contents

The collection primarily contains papers, photographs, and newspaper clippings, the majority pertaining to Carolyn Farb's fundraising activities. The material has been arranged into twelve series: Fundraising Events, Honors and Awards, Organization Affiliations, Creative Works, Speeches, Personal Life, Correspondence, Scrapbooks and Yearbooks, Memorabilia, Printed Material, Photographic Material, and Video and Audio Recordings.

Federation of Houston Professional Women Records

Identifier: 1998-006
Dates: 1981-2000
Scope and Contents The papers of the Federation of Houston Professional Women (FHPW) consist primarily of meeting notices, agendas, and minutes; fliers for Federation or Federation-sponsored activities; financial reports; membership rosters; and photographs. The majority of the material falls between 1990 and 1997. The collection does, however, contain the minutes of the original meeting of the FHPW in 1981. Member organization rosters give researchers an impression of women's business and professional...

Foley's Department Store Records

Identifier: 2007-004
Dates: 1845-2006; Majority of material found within 1900-2005
Scope and Contents Foley's Department Store Records comprise 42 record cartons, 16 oversized boxes, 32 bound ledgers and real estate records that are open to the public. In addition, there are 32 scrapbooks that are too fragile for public viewing. Records begin with the first stockholders' meeting held in 1911, preserved in a bound journal. Each year (primary organizational series) of the collection is divided into sub-series including Finances, Management, Marketing, Public Relations, Publications, and...

Hana Ginzbarg Papers

Identifier: 2010-014
Dates: 1962-1991; Majority of material found within 1970-1985
Scope and Contents Materials in this collection represent Hana Ginzbarg’s working files for Armand Bayou. To make the files accessible to the public, they were organized into three series. Series 1 includes materials related to Ginzbarg’s initial campaign to prevent development in the Armand Bayou area. Papers in Series 2 cover the subsequent efforts to preserve Armand Bayou as a nature education center and protect the area from proposed encroachments. Papers in Series 3 include maps and oversized...

Harris County Women's Political Caucus Records

Identifier: 2011-001
Dates: 1972-1983
Scope and Contents

This collection is comprised of one box and includes newsletters and correspondence from the Harris County Women’s Political Caucus and the Texas and National Women’s Political Caucuses, brochures, convention related documents and histories and bylaws of the organizations. It also includes a few issues of the Women’s Political Times, a publication of the National Women’s Political Caucus. Materials are arranged regionally, and then by topic within each regional series.

Hazelwitch Productions Inc. Records

Identifier: 1997-004
Dates: 1981-1998
Scope and Contents The collection contains financial, promotional, and managerial records of Hazelwitch Productions from the date of its receipt of Certificate of Operation in July 1981 to its final production in 1996. With the exception of some of the financial records, there was no consistent scheme of organization in the collection. Material is arranged in five series: Financial Records, Production Management, Promotional Material, Dissolution Materials, and Miscellaneous. Financial records constitute...

Joseph M. Heiser, Jr. Papers

Identifier: 2007-024
Dates: 1866-1989
Scope and Contents Forms part of the Houston History Archives.Most of the Joseph M. Heiser Jr. collection contains papers and very delicate carbon correspondence copies. The Joseph M. Heiser, Jr. Papers is a collection that is comprised of the individual’s obituaries, carbon copy publications, writings, publications, membership acceptance letters, organization donations [philanthropy], will and estates information, correspondence, outdoor nature club correspondence, outdoor nature club publications...

Terry Tarlton Hershey Papers

Identifier: 2005-005
Dates: 1962-2012
Scope and Contents This partial collection includes some biographical materials on Terry Hershey, background information on groups who have solicited or received philanthropic support from Hershey or the Hershey Foundation, and available materials on the local groups Hershey supported as a founder, board member, or supporter. A second portion of the Hershey collections includes her collected materials on state and national organizations to which she belonged or served on boards.Additional partial...

Lucian T. Hood, A.I.A. Architectural Papers

Identifier: 2007-007
Dates: 1951-2006
Scope and Contents The Lucian T. Hood, A.I.A. Architectural Collection is comprised of architectural drawings as well as business files from the Lucian Hood, Inc. residential design firm. The collection contains Hood’s architectural drawings from the 1950s to 2006. The collection is not complete; records for many of the early projects have been lost or destroyed.In 1992, William Carl acquired the Lucian T. Hood architectural firm to modify and re-design existing plans for clients. The firm built...

Houston Area Fiber Artists Records

Identifier: 2014-013
Dates: 1968-2014; Majority of material found within 1971-2002
Scope and Contents

This collection contains materials related to organizational structure of the Houston Area Fiber Artists (HAFA), such as meeting minutes, financial records, secretarial records, membership lists, and more. There is also extensive photographic documentation of various art pieces created by HAFA members, as well as a number of VHS tapes and DVDs showcasing this material.

Houston Area NOW and Other Feminist Activities Collection

Identifier: 2002-003
Dates: 1970-1996
Scope and Contents This collection is comprised of the files maintained by the members of the Houston Area (National Organization for Women) NOW. Not all of the files pertain specifically to Houston NOW activities and organizations because several of the members were active in other NOW affiliated organizations. The collection is organized into 11 series: Houston area NOW; Texas NOW organization(s) ; Other state, regional and/or local NOW organizations; National NOW; NOW task forces and committees; NOW social...

Houston Council of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. Records

Identifier: 2003-002
Dates: 1943-2003
Scope and Contents The collection arrived in generally good order and condition. Some material from the late 1950s to early 1960s was very brittle, and has been placed in protective mylar. The collection includes an almost complete run of minutes, financials, and yearbooks.The collection includes several large, typical scrapbooks and several smaller types of scrapbooks. These scrapbooks were compiled and submitted for various awards at the local and state levels. Most of the information on the...

Houston Heights Woman's Club Records

Identifier: 2006-006
Dates: 1900-2004
Scope and Contents The records of the Houston Heights Woman’s Club consist of awards, certificates and citations acknowledging the positive efforts and contributions to the community made by the members, yearbooks detailing the year’s events and providing membership lists, photo albums showcasing the numerous activities the club’s members have taken part in over the course of the years, and administrative materials, including meeting minutes and audit reports among other documentation. All materials date from...

Filtered By

  • Subject: Administrative records X
  • Subject: Administrative records X
  • Subject: Administrative records X
  • Subject: Administrative records X

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Correspondence 47
Minutes (administrative records) 35
Administrative records 32
Photographs 28
Newsletters 22
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Financial records 17
Bylaws (administrative records) 16
Clippings (information artifacts) 16
Brochures 15
Scrapbooks 14
Women -- Societies and clubs 12
Ephemera 10
Agendas (administrative records) 9
Publications (documents) 9
Houston Region (Tex.) -- Environmental conditions 8
Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston 8
Fliers (printed matter) 7
Reports 7
Newspapers 6
Yearbooks 6
Nature conservation 5
Programs (documents) 5
Records (documents) 5
Annual reports 4
Land use -- Planning 4
Pamphlets 4
Art -- Texas -- Houston 3
Articles 3
Budgets 3
Gardening 3
Invitations 3
Leaflets (printed works) 3
Maps (documents) 3
Memorabilia 3
River Oaks (Houston, Tex.) 3
Slides (photographs) 3
Videotapes 3
Advertisements 2
Arts -- Texas -- Houston 2
Audiotapes 2
Christian women -- Texas -- Houston 2
Hispanic Americans -- Texas -- Houston 2
Houston (Tex.) 2
Land grants 2
Legal documents 2
Manuscripts (documents) 2
Mexican Americans 2
Performing arts 2
Postcards 2
Science -- History 2
Social service 2
Theater 2
Theater programs 2
Typescripts 2
Urban beautification 2
Veterans 2
Wilderness areas 2
Women artists -- Texas -- Houston 2
Women in higher education 2
African American women 1
Architectural drawings (visual works) 1
Architecture 1
Architecture, Domestic 1
Art and literature -- Texas -- Houston 1
Audiovisual materials 1
Bank statements 1
Bankers -- Texas -- Houston 1
Banks and banking -- Texas -- Houston 1
Broadsides (notices) 1
Business networks -- Texas -- Houston 1
Business records 1
Businesswomen -- Texas -- Houston 1
Calendars (documents) 1
Charities 1
Choral Societies -- Texas -- Houston 1
City planning -- Texas -- Houston 1
Counseling 1
Diaries 1
Entertainers -- Texas -- Houston 1
Faculty papers 1
Feminism -- United States 1
Feminism and art 1
Floodplain management 1
Galley proofs 1
German Americans -- Texas -- Houston 1
Greeting cards 1
Houston Heights (Houston, Tex.) 1
Instructional materials 1
Interviews 1
Lectures 1
Lesbians -- Texas -- Houston 1
Litter (Trash) 1
Memorandums 1
Mexican War, 1846-1848 1
Mexico 1
Missouri City (Tex.) 1
Music -- History and criticism 1
Musicians -- Texas 1
Negatives (photographs) 1
Notes (documents) 1
∧ less
Spanish; Castilian 2
German 1
University of Houston 16
Houston History Archives 10
University of Houston -- History 7
University of Houston -- Faculty 5
Hershey, Terese Tarlton 2
∨ more
University of Houston. College of Business Administration 2
University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections and Archives Department 2
University of Houston. Office of University Relations 2
University of Houston. Veteran's Office 2
Alley Theatre (Houston, Tex.) 1
Altrusa International 1
American Association of University Professors. University of Houston Chapter 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Association of University Women. West Harris County Branch 1
Bayou Preservation Association 1
Brigid's Place (Houston, Tex.) 1
Brown, Andrew, 1969- 1
Christ Church Cathedral (Houston, Tex.) 1
Church Women United in Houston 1
Citizens' Environmental Coalition 1
Conferencia de Mujeres por la Raza 1
Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System 1
Emmott, Sarah H. 1
Farb, Carolyn 1
Federation of Houston Professional Women 1
Foley's (Firm) 1
Ginzbarg, Hana 1
Hazelwitch Productions 1
Heiser, Joseph Mathew, Jr., 1897-1987 1
Hood, Lucian T., 1916-2001 1
Houston National Bank (Houston, Tex.) 1
Houston Saengerbund 1
Lowry, W. McNeil (Wilson McNeil), 1913- 1
McElhinney, Charles Flemming 1
Missouri City Chapter of the Links, Inc. 1
Moreno family 1
National Women's Conference 1
Nicholson, Patrick James, 1921- 1
Outdoor Nature Club (Houston, Tex.), 1923- 1
Political Association of Spanish-Speaking Organizations 1
Randal, Marjorie 1
River Oaks Blossom Club 1
Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists 1
Society of the Sigma Xi 1
Stead, Bette Ann, 1935- 1
Stewart, Josephine Harris 1
Swenson, Loyd S. 1
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 1
Texas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association 1
Top Ladies of Distinction 1
UH Petroleum Institute 1
University of Houston -- Administration 1
University of Houston. Business Manager 1
University of Houston. College of Arts and Sciences 1
University of Houston. College of Education 1
University of Houston. Faculty Assembly 1
University of Houston. Faculty Association 1
University of Houston. Faculty Senate 1
University of Houston. Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design 1
University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Architecture & Planning Research Collections 1
University of Houston. Mexican American Alumni Association (1987-) 1
University of Houston. Veterans Village 1
University of Houston. Women's Resource Center 1
University of Houston. Women's Studies Program 1
Vance, Nina, 1914-1980 1
Women in the Visual and Literary Arts 1
Women's Caucus for Art. Houston Chapter 1
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