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Showing Collections: 1 - 15 of 15

Altrusa International Inc., Club of Houston Records

Identifier: 2009-004
Dates: 1936-2009; Majority of material found within 1999-2009
Scope and Contents The full finding aid is available on TARO: collection is organized in 17 series and is housed in 6 boxes that document the organization and community volunteer programs of the Altrusa Club of Houston. The collection includes meeting minutes, financial records, and annual records. Concerning the club's yearly activities, there...

American Association of University Professors, UH Chapter Records

Identifier: 1969-071
Dates: 1958-1968
Scope and Contents

The American Association of University Professors, UH Chapter Records consists mainly of documents directly related to the organization, including the constitution, minutes, bank statements, letters, correspondence, membership lists, and newsletters.

Asians Against Domestic Abuse Records

Identifier: 2010-005
Dates: 1985-2010; Majority of material found within 2001-2010
Scope and Contents

This collection includes the articles of incorporation, by-laws, administrative documents, informational brochures, records of consciousness raising and fund-raising events, and newspaper clippings for the Asians Against Domestic Abuse organization. Materials are arranged topically and then chronologically, whenever possible. The series included are: Administrative Documents and Brochures and Other Publicity. The collection is comprised of 12 folders contained in 1 box.

Brigid's Place Records

Identifier: 1999-003
Dates: 1974-2011; Majority of material found in 1993-1997
Scope and Contents Although the Women's Assembly founded Brigid's Place in 1996, the papers in the processed portion of this collection span from 1974 to 2011. Some research items date to the late 1980s and early 1990s. The original accession of papers arrived in five boxes, which split naturally into the two categories of the Women's Assembly and Brigid's Place. The papers were arranged topically and chronologically. The largest portion of the papers concern the Women's Assembly and Brigid's...

Foley's Department Store Records

Identifier: 2007-004
Dates: 1845-2006; Majority of material found within 1900-2005
Scope and Contents Foley's Department Store Records comprise 42 record cartons, 16 oversized boxes, 32 bound ledgers and real estate records that are open to the public. In addition, there are 32 scrapbooks that are too fragile for public viewing. Records begin with the first stockholders' meeting held in 1911, preserved in a bound journal. Each year (primary organizational series) of the collection is divided into sub-series including Finances, Management, Marketing, Public Relations, Publications, and...

Hana Ginzbarg Papers

Identifier: 2010-014
Dates: 1962-1991; Majority of material found within 1970-1985
Scope and Contents Materials in this collection represent Hana Ginzbarg’s working files for Armand Bayou. To make the files accessible to the public, they were organized into three series. Series 1 includes materials related to Ginzbarg’s initial campaign to prevent development in the Armand Bayou area. Papers in Series 2 cover the subsequent efforts to preserve Armand Bayou as a nature education center and protect the area from proposed encroachments. Papers in Series 3 include maps and oversized...

Harris County Women's Political Caucus Records

Identifier: 2011-001
Dates: 1972-1983
Scope and Contents

This collection is comprised of one box and includes newsletters and correspondence from the Harris County Women’s Political Caucus and the Texas and National Women’s Political Caucuses, brochures, convention related documents and histories and bylaws of the organizations. It also includes a few issues of the Women’s Political Times, a publication of the National Women’s Political Caucus. Materials are arranged regionally, and then by topic within each regional series.

Houston Area NOW and Other Feminist Activities Collection

Identifier: 2002-003
Dates: 1970-1996
Scope and Contents This collection is comprised of the files maintained by the members of the Houston Area (National Organization for Women) NOW. Not all of the files pertain specifically to Houston NOW activities and organizations because several of the members were active in other NOW affiliated organizations. The collection is organized into 11 series: Houston area NOW; Texas NOW organization(s) ; Other state, regional and/or local NOW organizations; National NOW; NOW task forces and committees; NOW social...

Houston Women's Caucus for Art Records

Identifier: 1999-001
Dates: 1972-2004; Majority of material found in 1985-2000
Scope and Contents The papers for the Houston Women's Caucus for Art (HWCA) span from its founding in 1978 to 2004. Some items, however, pre-date this period. The largest portion of the records is devoted to photos and to art exhibitions sponsored by the Caucus. The next largest portion includes newsletters, grant applications and fundraising, financial records, and conferences. The remainder of the collection is devoted to information pertaining to the business of the Caucus, membership, and the visual arts...

Paddock Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Council Records

Identifier: 2006-014
Dates: 1914-1989; Majority of material found within 1983-1988
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of two series: Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Council and Ephemera. The first series contains organizational materials for the GHCVC and is broken into ten sub-series. The second series contains materials related to the city of Houston and the state of Texas and is divided into six sub-series.

The Park People Records

Identifier: 2005-004
Dates: 1970-2009; Majority of material found within 1978-2005
Scope and Contents The Park People’s Records include standard organizational documents, including meeting minutes, personnel management, and financial records, plus city planning proposals and reports covering thirty years. Records include grant applications for federal and state programs. They also include details about local programs such as Treescape, a collaborative effort among Trees for Houston, Scenic Houston, and City of Houston in a program to provide incentives and enforcement of the Tree and Shrub...

ROADwomen Records

Identifier: 2011-014
Dates: 1994-2008; Majority of material found within 1997-2002
Scope and Contents The collection is primarily concerned with the River Oaks Area Democratic Women, though it also contains material for both Democrat and Republican political candidates. Material in the collection includes correspondence, business and financial records, photographs, and the organization’s publication, Register. The collection is divided into six series: Governance, ROADwomen Register, Events and Programs, Organizations, Campaign Materials, and Various Materials. All series are arranged...

Toby M. Myers, Deborah D. Tucker, and Maria Jose Angelelli Texas Council on Family Violence Records

Identifier: 1998-005
Dates: 1974-2016; Majority of material found within 1980-1998
Scope and Contents The Toby M. Myers, Deborah D. Tucker, and Maria Jose Angelelli Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) Records contain written records of the organization, as well as photographs and ephemera from the group. Items in the collection range in date from 1974 to 2001, with most of the material dating from the 1990s. The bulk of the collection details the various activities of the group since its inception in 1978, including conferences attended or organized, political and legislative activity,...

UH Veterans Village Records

Identifier: 1977-007
Dates: 1945-1956
Scope and Contents The Veterans Village Records contain material dealing with the organization of the Veterans Council, the UH Veterans Club, newsletters as well as announcements, petitions, and press releases. Items date from 1945 to 1956 with a bulk from the late 1940s and early 1950s. The collection is arranged into seven series: Constitution, Veterans Club Meetings, Record of Activities Council, Petitions, Press Releases and Announcements, Nursery School, and the Village News (the Village...

Women in the Visual and Literary Arts Records

Identifier: 1999-002
Dates: 1994-2011; Majority of material found within 1994-2000
Scope and Contents

The papers of the Women in Visual and Literary Arts (WIVLA) consist of meeting minutes, fliers about events, and newsletters. All material dates from 1994 to 2011. The collection arrived in the archives in excellent order, arranged neatly into newsletters and meeting minutes, which were filed and arranged chronologically. The collection has been broken into five series: Administration, Publications, Events, Multimedia, and Various Materials.

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  • Subject: Administrative records X
  • Subject: Newsletters X
  • Subject: Correspondence X

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Minutes (administrative records) 10
Photographs 9
Administrative records 7
Brochures 6
Bylaws (administrative records) 6
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Houston History Archives 3
University of Houston 2
Altrusa International 1
American Association of University Professors. University of Houston Chapter 1
Brigid's Place (Houston, Tex.) 1