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Showing Collections: 1 - 15 of 163

UH 50th Anniversary (Half Century) Records

Identifier: 1984-001
Dates: 1976-1981
Scope and Contents This series contains forty folders with undated materials and those dating from 1976 to 1978, arranged chronologically. Whenever possible the original order has been maintained, although some changes have been made to facilitate access. This series has been organized into four sub-series: General Planning, Half Century Brochure, Half Century Forms, and Half Century Logo Use. The folders contain minutes, brochures, mailing lists, meeting notes, programs and invitations, press releases, and...

Governor James V. Allred Papers

Identifier: 1967-001
Dates: 1921-1970
Scope and Contents The James V. Allred Collection consists of over 200 boxes of materials dating from 1853 to 1970, with the bulk of the materials dating from 1921 to 1959. The papers consist in large part of letters received by Allred, and of carbon copies of his replies. There are many copies of letters from other individuals as enclosures in letters addressed to Allred. In addition to the correspondence there are vast numbers of documents, drafts, reports, and other working papers relating to and reflecting...

William David Allred Papers

Identifier: 1969-002
Dates: 1966-1985

Democratic representative of District 13 in the Texas State House of Representatives, 1966-1980. Collection includes correspondence, publications, notes, and other materials pertaining to a variety of individuals and subjects from across Allred's political career.

Altrusa International Inc., Club of Houston Records

Identifier: 2009-004
Dates: 1936-2009; Majority of material found within 1999-2009
Scope and Contents The full finding aid is available on TARO: collection is organized in 17 series and is housed in 6 boxes that document the organization and community volunteer programs of the Altrusa Club of Houston. The collection includes meeting minutes, financial records, and annual records. Concerning the club's yearly activities, there...

American Association of University Professors, UH Chapter Records

Identifier: 1969-071
Dates: 1958-1968
Scope and Contents

The American Association of University Professors, UH Chapter Records consists mainly of documents directly related to the organization, including the constitution, minutes, bank statements, letters, correspondence, membership lists, and newsletters.

Asians Against Domestic Abuse Records

Identifier: 2010-005
Dates: 1985-2010; Majority of material found within 2001-2010
Scope and Contents

This collection includes the articles of incorporation, by-laws, administrative documents, informational brochures, records of consciousness raising and fund-raising events, and newspaper clippings for the Asians Against Domestic Abuse organization. Materials are arranged topically and then chronologically, whenever possible. The series included are: Administrative Documents and Brochures and Other Publicity. The collection is comprised of 12 folders contained in 1 box.

Auxiliary of the Center for Hearing and Speech Records

Identifier: 2015-002
Dates: 1977-2015
Scope and Contents

This collection contains materials related to the establishment of the Auxiliary fundraising board of the Houston Center for Hearing and Speech, formerly known as the Houston School for Deaf Children. Press clippings, school newsletters, copies of speeches, and gala and meeting invitations are all included.

Donald Barthelme "Forum" Collection

Identifier: 1983-004
Dates: 1956-1960
Scope and Contents

The collection contains three manuscript boxes of materials related to Barthelme's tenure as editor of Forum. Researchers may be interested in the collection of materials post-dating Barthelme's time as editor.

Donald Barthelme Literary Papers

Identifier: 2002-007
Dates: 1956-2001
Scope and Contents The full finding aid is available on TARO: collection contains typescript drafts, galley proofs, and page proofs of Donald Barthelme's novels, collected works, short stories, and other writings, plus collages and collage stories created by Barthelme. One of the richest aspects of the collection is the large set of letters and...

Professor Tom Battin Papers

Identifier: 1988-001
Dates: 1936-1984, undated
Scope and Contents The Battin Collection contains correspondence, articles, lecture notes, scrapbooks, photographs, scripts, and films. The materials date from 1936 to 1976, and comprise eleven manuscript boxes, one newspaper box and six films, five in reel cases. Because so many articles are one paragraph or less, they were placed with others in Mylar sheet protectors for preservation. The collection is divided into nine series based on the way it was received from the donors. The series are:...

Bayou Preservation Association Records

Identifier: 2008-014
Dates: 1915-2005
Scope and Contents The Bayou Preservation Association maintains files on its activities from its beginnings in the 1960s. Materials on the history of Buffalo Bayou date back to the 1920s, so the collection is dated from that period. Most of the materials collected for the archives were housed in the BPA offices, but those papers included contributions from Terry Hershey, Frank Smith, George Mitchell, and Fred Lazure, as well as others. Overall, the papers represent a broad overview of BPA’s activities, but...

Toni Beauchamp Papers

Identifier: 2014-001
Dates: 1985-2008; Majority of material found within 2000-2008
Scope and Contents

This collection is housed in 45 boxes and organized into 12 series entitled: Buffalo Bayou Partnership, Market Square Park Project, Art Lies (the magazine), good (the book), Blaffer Gallery, Friends of Integrative Medicine, Uncommon Cents, News Clippings, Photographs, A/V Materials, and Ephemera/Index Cards. Materials within this collection have been arranged topically and therein in chronological order.

Kenneth E. Bentsen Architectural Papers

Identifier: 2013-003
Dates: 1944-2017; Majority of material found within 1958-1992

This collection consists of the business records of Kenneth Bentsen Associates. The records include correspondence, contracts, and billings for the firm’s architectural projects, as well as construction documents such as specifications and architectural drawings. Photographs, reference books, and memorabilia round out the collection.

Professor Irvin M. Borish Papers

Identifier: 1997-001
Dates: 1939-2012; Majority of material found in 1939-1996
Scope and Contents The papers of Dr. Irvin Borish contain manuscripts, patents, awards and notices, conference proceedings, print items, correspondence, photographs, as well as audio and video recordings. Items in the collection date from 1937 to 1996, with most of the material dating from the late 1970s and 1980s. The majority of the material in the collection contains articles and other manuscript items written by Dr. Borish. However, the collection also contains numerous photographs, most of which are not...

Brigid's Place Records

Identifier: 1999-003
Dates: 1974-2011; Majority of material found in 1993-1997
Scope and Contents Although the Women's Assembly founded Brigid's Place in 1996, the papers in the processed portion of this collection span from 1974 to 2011. Some research items date to the late 1980s and early 1990s. The original accession of papers arrived in five boxes, which split naturally into the two categories of the Women's Assembly and Brigid's Place. The papers were arranged topically and chronologically. The largest portion of the papers concern the Women's Assembly and Brigid's...

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  • Subject: Correspondence X
  • Subject: Correspondence X

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Photographs 84
Clippings (information artifacts) 64
Typescripts 27
Brochures 26
Newsletters 26
∨ more
Minutes (administrative records) 25
Scrapbooks 22
Administrative records 21
Manuscripts (documents) 21
Financial records 20
Publications (documents) 20
Authors -- 20th century 16
Authors, American -- 20th century 16
Bylaws (administrative records) 13
Newspapers 13
Audiotapes 12
Articles 11
Fliers (printed matter) 11
Programs (documents) 11
Records (documents) 11
Ephemera 10
Memorabilia 10
Videotapes 10
Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston 9
Postcards 9
Speeches (documents) 9
Agendas (administrative records) 8
Pamphlets 8
Posters 8
Reports 8
Maps (documents) 7
Women -- Societies and clubs 7
World War, 1939-1945 7
Architecture 6
Art -- Texas -- Houston 6
Books 6
Feminism 6
Houston Region (Tex.) -- Environmental conditions 6
Page proofs 6
Scripts (documents) 6
Architectural drawings (visual works) 5
Awards 5
Diaries 5
Galley proofs 5
Invitations 5
Legal documents 5
Periodicals 5
Poets -- 20th century 5
Poets, American -- 20th century 5
Slides (photographs) 5
Sound recordings 5
Texas -- History -- 1846-1950 5
Theater programs 5
Advertisements 4
Audiovisual materials 4
Compact discs 4
Greeting cards 4
Interviews 4
Land use -- Planning 4
Nature conservation 4
Notes (documents) 4
Personal papers 4
Rosters 4
Sheet music 4
Texas -- History 4
Texas -- History -- To 1846 4
Theater 4
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 4
University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Visual Arts Collections 4
Women -- Political activity -- Texas -- Houston 4
Women artists -- Texas -- Houston 4
Women's rights -- Texas -- Houston 4
Yearbooks 4
African Americans -- Segregation -- Texas -- Houston 3
Budgets 3
Business records 3
Education 3
Houston (Tex.) 3
Houston (Tex.) -- History 3
Houston (Tex.) -- Politics and government 3
Houston (Tex.) -- Social life and customs 3
Leaflets (printed works) 3
People with disabilities 3
Performing arts 3
Playbills 3
Politicians 3
Scores 3
Women's rights 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Pacific Area 3
Annual reports 2
Architecture, Domestic 2
Artists 2
Artists -- Texas -- Houston 2
Arts -- Texas -- Houston 2
Authors, American 2
Authors, English -- 20th century 2
Bankers -- Texas -- Houston 2
Broadsides (notices) 2
Business 2
∧ less
English 162
Spanish; Castilian 6
Dutch; Flemish 1
French 1
German 1
∨ more
Norwegian 1
∧ less
University of Houston 25
University of Houston -- Faculty 20
Houston History Archives 14
University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Architecture & Planning Research Collections 6
University of Houston -- History 5
∨ more
Barthelme, Donald 4
University of Houston -- Alumni and alumnae 4
University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections and Archives Department 4
Houston (Cruiser : CA-30) 3
Miller, Vassar 3
University of Houston. College of Business Administration 3
University of Houston. Creative Writing Program 3
Ferguson, James Edward, 1871-1944 2
Fuermann, George, 1918-2001 2
Hershey, Terese Tarlton 2
Lowry, Beverly 2
National Women's Conference 2
Randal, Marjorie 2
University of Houston. Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design 2
University of Houston. Law Center -- Alumni and alumnae 2
University of Houston. Veteran's Office 2
University of Houston. Women's Studies Program 2
Actors Studio (New York, N.Y.) 1
Alley Theatre (Houston, Tex.) 1
Allred, James V., 1899-1959 1
Altrusa International 1
American Association of University Professors. University of Houston Chapter 1
Ant Farm (Design group) 1
Astrodome (Houston, Tex.) 1
Autry, James L. 1
Battin, Tom C. 1
Bayou Preservation Association 1
Ben Taub General Hospital 1
Bentsen, Kenneth, 1926-2013 1
Borish, Irvin M. 1
Bowles, Paul, 1910-1999 1
Brigid's Place (Houston, Tex.) 1
Brooks, Dale, 1954-2014 1
Brown, Andrew, 1969- 1
Brown, Steven Ford 1
Bukowski, Charles 1
Burma-Siam Railroad 1
Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925 1
Calk, M. L. 1
Catastrophic Theatre 1
Chenoweth, Blanche Espy 1
Christ Church Cathedral (Houston, Tex.) 1
Citizens' Environmental Coalition 1
Cole, Thomas R., 1949- 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Alabama Infantry Regiment, 23rd 1
Confederate States of America. Army. Texas Brigade 1
Conferencia de Mujeres por la Raza 1
Contemporary Arts Association (Houston, Tex.) 1
Contemporary Arts Museum (Houston, Tex.) 1
Cooper, Tamarie 1
Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System 1
Cougar Marching Band (University of Houston) 1
Crawford, Cheryl, 1902-1986 1
Cullinan, J. S. (Joseph Stephen), 1860-1937 1
Cunningham, Minnie Fisher 1
De Hartog, Jan, 1914-2002 1
De Hartog, Marjorie 1
De la Mare, Walter, 1873-1956 1
Dixon, Royal, 1885-1962 1
Dudley, Frank Elijah, 1884- 1
Edgerton, William W. 1
Eiden, Herman George, 1922-1942 1
Elliott, Claude, 1896-1958 1
Emmott, Sarah H. 1
Ewing Family 1
Ewing, Gladys 1
Ewing, Josie Vesta 1
Ewing, Mary Ellen Williams, 1862-1919 1
Ewing, Presley Kittredge, 1860- 1
Farb, Carolyn 1
Ferguson, Miriam Amanda, 1875-1961 1
Flaxman, Thomas 1
Foley's (Firm) 1
GRETA (Organization : Texas) 1
Galbreth, Michael, 1956-2019 1
Ginzbarg, Hana 1
Greater Houston Women's Foundation 1
Griffiths, Bessie Alva, 1896- 1
Group Theatre (U.S.) 1
Hale, Leon 1
Harry, Ken R. 1
Heiser, Joseph Mathew, Jr., 1897-1987 1
Hightower, Nikki Van, 1939- 1
Hispanic Women in Leadership 1
Hoff, P.J. (P.J. Hoffstrom) 1
Hofheinz, Roy, 1912-1982 1
Hood, Lucian T., 1916-2001 1
Houston Astros (Baseball team) 1
Houston Colt 45's (Baseball team) 1
Houston Electric Auto Association 1
Houston National Bank (Houston, Tex.) 1
Houston Saengerbund 1
Houston Symphony Orchestra 1
Houston Symphony Society 1
Hughes, Howard Robard, 1869-1924 1
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