Showing Collections: 1 - 3 of 3
Carolyn Farb Papers
Identifier: 2000-005
1955-2011; Majority of material found within 2000-2011
Scope and Contents
The collection primarily contains papers, photographs, and newspaper clippings, the majority pertaining to Carolyn Farb's fundraising activities. The material has been arranged into twelve series: Fundraising Events, Honors and Awards, Organization Affiliations, Creative Works, Speeches, Personal Life, Correspondence, Scrapbooks and Yearbooks, Memorabilia, Printed Material, Photographic Material, and Video and Audio Recordings.
Hazelwitch Productions Inc. Records
Identifier: 1997-004
Scope and Contents
The collection contains financial, promotional, and managerial records of Hazelwitch Productions from the date of its receipt of Certificate of Operation in July 1981 to its final production in 1996. With the exception of some of the financial records, there was no consistent scheme of organization in the collection. Material is arranged in five series: Financial Records, Production Management, Promotional Material, Dissolution Materials, and Miscellaneous. Financial records constitute...
UH Women's Studies Program and Friends Collection
Identifier: 2000-007
1984-2011; Majority of material found in 1991-2011
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of administrative materials such as meeting invitations and agendas, minutes, financial reports, bylaws, and events sponsored by the Women's Studies department as well as newsletters published by the Women's Studies and Friends of Women's Studies and various ephemera and memorabilia. The bulk of the papers are dated between 1991 and 2011, but a few publications and clippings date to 1980s. The most recent papers include invitations to events organized by the Friends...
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Additional filters:
- Subject
- Administrative records 2
- Correspondence 2
- Invitations 2
- Photographs 2
- Agendas (administrative records) 1
- Articles 1
- Brochures 1
- Budgets 1
- Bylaws (administrative records) 1
- Calendars (documents) 1
- Clippings (information artifacts) 1
- Entertainers -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Lesbians -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Memorabilia 1
- Pamphlets 1
- Postcards 1
- Records (documents) 1
- Women philanthropists 1 ∧ less
- Names
- Farb, Carolyn 1
- Hazelwitch Productions 1
- University of Houston 1
- University of Houston. Women's Studies Program 1
∨ more