Showing Collections: 16 - 30 of 42
Houston Municipal Wharves Photographs
The Houston Municipal Wharves Photographs Collection contains photographs of Houston Ship Channel construction during the years 1916-1917. The photographs are labeled Horton & Horton Contractors.
Houston Ship Channel 50th Anniversary Collection
H. David Kaplan Files on Schlumberger Well Services
Burdette Keeland Architectural Papers
Keep Houston Beautiful Records
George Kirksey Papers
Leon Hale Papers
This set of papers documents Leon Hale's long and prolific writing career that began in 1946. It is divided into ten major categories with the bulk of the material being comprised of Mr. Hale's book projects, daily columns, letters from readers, and miscellaneous articles. The materials are housed in sixteen boxes, including fourteen record cartons and two oversized boxes. Each of the categories is prefaced by a detailed description.
Mary F. Lopez Papers
Ferman Martin Political Cartoons
The Ferman Martin Political Cartoons consist of 7 boxes of undated hand drawn political cartoons from across Martin's career. Subjects of the cartoons include World War II, the Cold War, state and local issues, and more.
Scott Mellott Houston Fire Department Photograph Collection
The Scott Mellott Houston Fire Department Collection consist of color and black and white photographs of the Houston Fire Department spanning from the late 19th century into the 21st century. Materials are arranged into three series.
Maxine Mesinger Papers
Clippings spanning the run of Messinger's "Big City Beat" column make up the bulk of this collection. The collection contains photographs documenting Mesinger's social life, friends and family, a small amount of correspondence from family and friends, and two audiotapes.
Tatcho Mindiola Papers
This collection documents the academic career, community service and advocacy, and local civil rights activist work of Tatcho Mindiola, Professor Emeritus of Sociology and former director of the Center for Mexican American Studies. Materials include correspondence, course planning materials, research data, program files, published and unpublished manuscripts, and a significant amount of published reference material.
Miscellaneous Architecture & Planning Collections
Missouri City Chapter of the Links, Inc. Records
This collection includes internal publications such as meeting minutes, budget and program reports, correspondence, and organizational standards; conference materials; press clippings and releases; program development and community partnership information; directories; outreach materials; photographs; and documents cataloging the history of the Links, Inc. in Missouri City, Houston, the Western Area, and the international parent organization.
Filtered By
- Subject: Houston (Tex.) X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Photographs 18
- Correspondence 17
- Houston (Tex.) -- History 14
- Houston (Tex.) 9
- Clippings (information artifacts) 6
- Administrative records 5
- Houston (Tex.) -- Politics and government 5
- Typescripts 5
- Women -- Societies and clubs 5
- Architectural drawings (visual works) 4
- Architecture 4
- Houston (Tex.) -- Pictorial works 4
- Houston Ship Channel (Tex.) 4
- River Oaks (Houston, Tex.) 4
- Financial records 3
- Houston (Tex.) -- Social life and customs 3
- Publications (documents) 3
- Scrapbooks 3
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Visual Arts Collections 3
- Yearbooks 3
- African Americans -- Segregation -- Texas -- Houston 2
- Annual reports 2
- Architecture, Domestic 2
- Articles 2
- Audiovisual materials 2
- Authors -- 20th century 2
- Authors, American -- 20th century 2
- Awards 2
- Brochures 2
- Business 2
- Businesswomen -- Texas -- Houston 2
- City planning -- Texas -- Houston 2
- Gardening 2
- Houston (Tex.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 2
- Houston (Tex.) -- Newspapers 2
- Houston (Tex.) -- Race relations -- History -- 20th century 2
- Houston Heights (Houston, Tex.) 2
- Legal documents 2
- Legislators 2
- Minutes (administrative records) 2
- Newsletters 2
- Posters 2
- Real property -- Texas -- Houston 2
- African American women 1
- African Americans -- Social Conditions 1
- Art -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Artists 1
- Artists -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Audiotapes 1
- Authors 1
- Business networks -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Bylaws (administrative records) 1
- Charities 1
- Contracts 1
- Cotton 1
- Demographic transition -- Texas -- Houston -- History -- 20th century 1
- Drawings (visual works) 1
- Education 1
- Ephemera 1
- Feminism 1
- Fliers (printed matter) 1
- Folklore 1
- Freedmens Town Historic District (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Galley proofs 1
- Gensler (Firm) 1
- Greeting cards 1
- Harbors -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Hispanic American women -- Texas -- Houston 1
- Hospitals -- Texas -- Houston -- History 1
- Houston Region (Tex.) -- Environmental conditions 1
- Interior architecture 1
- Inventories 1
- Jews -- Texas -- Houston -- Migrations -- 20th century 1
- Land use -- Planning 1
- Litter (Trash) 1
- Manuscripts (documents) 1
- Maps (documents) 1
- Mexican Americans 1
- Middle class African Americans -- Texas -- Houston -- History -- 20th century 1
- Migration, Internal -- Texas -- Houston -- History -- 20th century 1
- Missouri City (Tex.) 1
- Newspapers 1
- Pamphlets 1
- Periodicals 1
- Petroleum industry and trade -- Texas 1
- Photograph albums 1
- Photographers 1
- Photography 1
- Political campaigns -- Texas 1
- Political cartoons 1
- Political participation 1
- Politicians 1
- Programs (documents) 1
- Records (documents) 1
- Reports 1
- Riverside Terrace (Houston, Tex.) -- History -- 20th Century 1
- Shadyside (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Sheet music 1
- Silverwork -- Private collections 1
- Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 39
- No linguistic content; Not applicable 3
- Spanish; Castilian 1
- Names
- Houston History Archives 6
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Architecture & Planning Research Collections 5
- United States. Congress. House 2
- Anderson, Clayton & Co. 1
- Astrodome (Houston, Tex.) 1
- Autry, James L. 1
- Bernrieder, William A. 1
- Burgee, John, 1933- 1
- Cinema Bomar 1
- Cullinan, J. S. (Joseph Stephen), 1860-1937 1
- Green, Gene (Raymond Eugene) 1
- Griffiths, Bessie Alva, 1896- 1
- Hale, Leon 1
- Harper Leiper Studios 1
- Hofheinz, Roy, 1912-1982 1
- Houston Abstract Company 1
- Houston Astros (Baseball team) 1
- Houston Colt 45's (Baseball team) 1
- Houston Symphony Orchestra 1
- Houston Symphony Society 1
- Houston Title Guaranty Company 1
- Hughes, Howard Robard, 1869-1924 1
- Johnson, Philip, 1906-2005 1
- Kaplan, H. David 1
- Keeland, Burdette 1
- Kirksey, George Turner, 1904-1971 1
- Lopez, Mary F. 1
- Magnolia Petroleum Company 1
- Martin, Ferman Cicero, 1899-1977 1
- Mindiola, Tatcho 1
- Missouri City Chapter of the Links, Inc. 1
- Muegge, Elizabeth 1
- Randolph, Lynn, 1938- 1
- Rice University 1
- River Oaks Blossom Club 1
- River Oaks Business Women's Exchange Club 1
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 1
- Rubin, Janice 1
- Schlumberger Well Services 1
- Schwartz, Jon, 1948- 1
- Southern Abstract and Title Company 1
- Stewart Title Company 1
- Texas Company 1
- Texas Medical Center 1
- Texas. Legislature 1
- Tomkins-Walsh, Teresa 1
- University of Houston 1
- University of Houston -- History 1
- University of Houston. Center for Mexican American Studies 1
- University of Houston. Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design 1
- University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections and Archives Department 1
- Waldo, Wilmer 1
- Walsh, Margo Grant 1 ∧ less