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Association for Women in Science Records

Identifier: 2003-003
Dates: 1976-2002
Scope and Contents The current collection consists of general organizational records. Administrative materials such as agendas, minutes, financial reports, bylaws, correspondences of the AWIS Gulf Coast Chapter are present. Events, fundraisers, magazines, newsletters, publications and other programs make up the rest of the collection. The bulk of the papers are dated between 1993 and 1999.The records are arranged into twelve series: Organization, Events, Financial, Fundraisers, Magazines,...

Houston Assembly of Delphian Chapters Records

Identifier: 2008-011
Dates: Majority of material found within 1929-2005
Scope and Contents

The collection is housed in 5 boxes and organized in 10 series: Organizational Information; The Delphian Society Manuals; Special Projects; Correspondence; Bit-O-News Newsletters; Photographic Material; Publicity Clippings; Delphian Memorial Scholarship Fund; Delphian Chapters’ Scrapbooks and Houston Delphian Assembly Scrapbooks. These series document the organization’s operations, numerous social events and scholarship fund information.

Womynspace Records

Identifier: 2007-013
Dates: 1973-1990
Scope and Contents

The Womynspace Records is housed in 1 box and consists of 3 series: Organizational Information, Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), and Disarmament Movement. This collection documents organizational meetings, events, and goals. Additionally, these records include material from the 1970s and 1980s collected by the organization regarding Pro- and Anti- ERA sentiments, ERA ratification deadline extension, Senate Hearings, and the Disarmament Movement.

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  • Subject: Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston X
  • Subject: Records (documents) X

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Publications (documents) 2
Brochures 1
Bylaws (administrative records) 1
Clippings (information artifacts) 1
Feminism 1