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Showing Collections: 31 - 45 of 85

Barbara Karkabi Papers

Identifier: 2012-003
Dates: 1971-2009; Majority of material found within 2000-2009
Scope and Contents

This collection includes articles written by Karkabi, correspondence, notes and research materials. The collection is divided into ten series: Personal, Articles, Correspondence, Appointment Books, Houston Chronicle, Notes, Multi-Media, Publications, Research, and Ephemera. All series are arranged topically and chronologically.

Burdette Keeland Architectural Papers

Identifier: 2002-005
Dates: 1926-2000; Majority of material found within 1950-2000
Scope and Contents The Burdette Keeland Papers cover the period 1926 to 2000 and are comprised of his architectural drawings, business and personal files, memorabilia, photographic prints, and negatives, as well as materials from his teaching career. The collection occupies 25 linear feet of shelves and 15 drawers of flat files. It is stored in 40 boxes, 112 oversize folders, and 5 tubes for rolled material. It also includes one oversized construction sign and one piece of framed artwork.The...

John Henry Kirby Papers

Identifier: 2006-008
Dates: 1884-1944
Scope and Contents The majority of this manuscript collection consists of general and business correspondence concerning John Henry Kirby and his various business interests in southeast Texas. The manuscripts include holograph and typewritten letters, telegrams and postcards. Legal and land documents include deeds and abstracts, and business documents include checks and vouchers.In 1965 the collection was deposited in the archives of the Texas Gulf Coast Historical Association, at that time housed...

Professor Jay K. Kochi Papers

Identifier: 2009-023
Dates: 1946-2008; Majority of material found within 1970-2000
Scope and Contents The Jay K. Kochi Papers contains 81 boxes. The collection is organized into eight series: Research and Publications, Correspondence, Financial, Biographical/Awards, Lectures, Photographs, Audiovisual Materials, and Digital Materials. The collection contains copies of Kochi's publications, correspondence regarding the publications, correspondence to and from Kochi, documents regarding grants and other financial matters, lecture images, biographical information, and floppy disks and CDs....

KUHT Records

Identifier: 1997-006
Dates: 1950-2000; Majority of material found within 1960-1990
Scope and Contents The KUHT Records includes correspondence, memoranda, publications, clippings, photographs, and related material dating from the 1950s through the 1990s. The bulk of the material dates from the mid-1960s to 1990s. Please contact the collection curator Emily Vinson ( for further information. The series in the collection include: Discrepancy Files, Development and Production Files by Jim Fisher and Paul Yeager, Gulf Region Education Television Affiliates...

Jeanie Lambright Papers on They Also Served: Women’s Stories from the World War II Era

Identifier: 2016-015
Dates: 1943-2004
Scope and Contents

The majority of the collection includes content pertaining to the creation of the Lambright's book entitled, “They also served: Women’s Stories from the WWII Era.” Many materials correspond to the research, interviews, and related materials collected from 53 women interviewed in 2001-2002 who shared their memories of the WW II Era for the book. Other items include audio tapes, photographs, and the published book.

Fritz Leiber Papers

Identifier: 1984-003
Dates: 1930-1996
Scope and Contents The Fritz Leiber Papers contains correspondence, notes, manuscripts, typescripts, publications and tearsheets, diaries and biographical materials, financial, legal and medical records, photographs, illustrations, convention materials, and miscellaneous materials. Additional oversize art/illustration materials and ephemera such as weaponry, sculpture, and awards are housed separately. The materials date from the 1930s to the 1980s. They are housed in 60 manuscripts boxes, 5 storage boxes, and...

Bert L. Long, Jr. Papers

Identifier: 2014-016
Dates: 1940-2013
Scope and Contents This collection documents Bert L. Long, Jr.’s life and his career as an artist, which he started in 1979. The original order of the collection as well as the original folder titles and folders were retained whenever possible. When the collection was received, a small percentage of the collection was in order due to the work Pete Gershon did with Bert Long through the CALL project while Ber Long was alive. The collection includes resumes and CV’s, autobiographical statements, and material...

Beverly Lowry Papers

Identifier: 1982-003
Dates: 1976-1982
Scope and Contents The bulk of material in this collection consists of typescript drafts of three of Beverly Lowry's novels: Come Back, Lolly Ray; Emma Blue; and Daddy's Girl. The drafts include both original and photocopied typescript, with corrections in the author's hand. Some of the drafts are copyedited. The collection includes preparatory materials for the three novels such as lists of possible titles, outlines and character notes, drawings, and photographs. A small amount of correspondence...

Frank E. Lozo Papers

Identifier: 2016-030
Dates: 1890-1991; Majority of material found within 1937-1979
Scope and Contents

Written works, field notebooks, maps, photographs, and publications from Frank E. Lozo, geologist with Shell Development Company.

Linda May Papers

Identifier: 2015-009
Dates: 1969-2006; Majority of material found within 1970-2000
Scope and Contents This collection contains the papers of Linda May, a Houston feminist activist who coordinated numerous national and global women’s conferences and represented the American Jewish Coalition at the 1985 and 1995 United Nations’ NGO Conference on Women. The series are arranged by organizational or institutional affiliation, and each contains photos, correspondence, press clippings, and literature. Linda May also has a book collection with Special Collections. For separated books, see Separated...

Larry McMurtry Papers

Identifier: 1970-006
Dates: 1955-1986
Scope and Contents The Larry McMurtry Collection contains multiple typescript manuscript drafts of the novels Leaving Cheyenne, The Last Picture Show, Moving On, Somebody's Darling, Cadillac Jack: A Novel, The Desert Rose, Lonesome Dove, and Texasville, plus manuscript notes and publisher's copies related to some of these works. The collection also contains the typescript manuscripts and first galley proofs for the book of essays In a Narrow Grave. The McMurtry Collection includes a screenplay for...

Maxine Mesinger Papers

Identifier: 2002-002
Dates: 1965-2001
Scope and Contents

Clippings spanning the run of Messinger's "Big City Beat" column make up the bulk of this collection. The collection contains photographs documenting Mesinger's social life, friends and family, a small amount of correspondence from family and friends, and two audiotapes.

Doug Michels Architectural Papers

Identifier: 2011-005
Dates: 1944-2003; Majority of material found within 1968-2003
Scope and Contents

This collection includes sketches, renderings, and construction drawings for Doug Michels' design projects; portfolios of his art and design work; 35mm slides and photographic prints; video tapes; movie scripts; publications; personal and business files; and memorabilia. Materials are arranged in series by format or genre and chronologically within each series from 1940s to 2004, with a bulk from 1970s to 1990s.

Vassar Miller Papers

Identifier: 1987-003
Dates: 1937-1992
Scope and Contents The Vassar Miller Papers contain material pertaining to Miller's writings, career, and personal life, and materials pertaining to the editing and publication of the anthology. Materials range in date from circa 1937 to 1992, with most of the material falling between the years 1960 to 1986. The series relating to Miller's own work and life contain correspondence, poems, short stories, plays, miscellaneous works, drafts and typescripts of published works, and material related to...

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  • Subject: Photographs X
  • Subject: Photographs X
  • Subject: Correspondence X

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Photographs 84
Clippings (information artifacts) 38
Newsletters 15
Typescripts 14
Brochures 13
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Scrapbooks 13
Administrative records 12
Financial records 12
Manuscripts (documents) 12
Publications (documents) 11
Articles 9
Memorabilia 9
Postcards 9
Audiotapes 8
Ephemera 8
Authors -- 20th century 7
Authors, American -- 20th century 7
Bylaws (administrative records) 7
Fliers (printed matter) 7
Minutes (administrative records) 7
Newspapers 7
Programs (documents) 7
Art -- Texas -- Houston 6
Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston 6
Pamphlets 6
Posters 6
Videotapes 6
Feminism 5
Periodicals 5
Slides (photographs) 5
Audiovisual materials 4
Awards 4
Books 4
Diaries 4
Greeting cards 4
Invitations 4
Speeches (documents) 4
Theater 4
University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Visual Arts Collections 4
Women -- Societies and clubs 4
Women artists -- Texas -- Houston 4
Agendas (administrative records) 3
Architecture 3
Compact discs 3
Interviews 3
Performing arts 3
Poets, American -- 20th century 3
Records (documents) 3
Reports 3
Scripts (documents) 3
Sound recordings 3
Theater programs 3
Women -- Political activity -- Texas -- Houston 3
Women's rights 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
African Americans -- Segregation -- Texas -- Houston 2
Architectural drawings (visual works) 2
Artists 2
Artists -- Texas -- Houston 2
Arts -- Texas -- Houston 2
Authors, American 2
Business 2
Business records 2
Businesswomen -- Texas -- Houston 2
Feminism and art 2
Galley proofs 2
Hospitals -- Texas -- Houston -- History 2
Houston (Tex.) 2
Houston (Tex.) -- Race relations -- History -- 20th century 2
Houston (Tex.) -- Social life and customs 2
Houston Region (Tex.) -- Environmental conditions 2
Java Sea, Battle of the, Indonesia, 1942 2
Land use -- Planning 2
Legal documents 2
Maps (documents) 2
Memorandums 2
Nature conservation 2
Negatives (photographs) 2
Notes (documents) 2
Page proofs 2
Poets -- 20th century 2
Politicians 2
River Oaks (Houston, Tex.) 2
Rosters 2
Scores 2
Sunda Strait, Battle of, Indonesia, 1942 2
Texas 2
Voluntarism 2
Women philanthropists 2
Yearbooks 2
Advertisements 1
Aerial Photographs 1
African American artists 1
African Americans -- Social Conditions 1
American fiction 1
American poetry -- 20th century 1
Annual reports 1
Architecture, Domestic 1
Art and literature -- Texas -- Houston 1
∧ less
Spanish; Castilian 3
Dutch; Flemish 1
French 1
Norwegian 1
University of Houston -- Faculty 12
University of Houston 11
Houston History Archives 9
Houston (Cruiser : CA-30) 3
University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Architecture & Planning Research Collections 3
∨ more
Barthelme, Donald 2
University of Houston. Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design 2
University of Houston. Law Center -- Alumni and alumnae 2
University of Houston. Women's Studies Program 2
Alley Theatre (Houston, Tex.) 1
Altrusa International 1
Ant Farm (Design group) 1
Autry, James L. 1
Battin, Tom C. 1
Ben Taub General Hospital 1
Bentsen, Kenneth, 1926-2013 1
Borish, Irvin M. 1
Brigid's Place (Houston, Tex.) 1
Brooks, Dale, 1954-2014 1
Brown, Andrew, 1969- 1
Burma-Siam Railroad 1
Catastrophic Theatre 1
Chenoweth, Blanche Espy 1
Christ Church Cathedral (Houston, Tex.) 1
Citizens' Environmental Coalition 1
Contemporary Arts Association (Houston, Tex.) 1
Contemporary Arts Museum (Houston, Tex.) 1
Cooper, Tamarie 1
Cougar Marching Band (University of Houston) 1
Cullinan, J. S. (Joseph Stephen), 1860-1937 1
De Hartog, Jan, 1914-2002 1
De Hartog, Marjorie 1
Dudley, Frank Elijah, 1884- 1
Eiden, Herman George, 1922-1942 1
Emmott, Sarah H. 1
Ewing Family 1
Ewing, Gladys 1
Ewing, Josie Vesta 1
Ewing, Mary Ellen Williams, 1862-1919 1
Ewing, Presley Kittredge, 1860- 1
Farb, Carolyn 1
Ferguson, James Edward, 1871-1944 1
Flaxman, Thomas 1
Foley's (Firm) 1
Fuermann, George, 1918-2001 1
GRETA (Organization : Texas) 1
Galbreth, Michael, 1956-2019 1
Ginzbarg, Hana 1
Griffiths, Bessie Alva, 1896- 1
Hershey, Terese Tarlton 1
Hightower, Nikki Van, 1939- 1
Houston Electric Auto Association 1
Houston Symphony Orchestra 1
Houston Symphony Society 1
Hughes, Howard Robard, 1869-1924 1
Infernal Bridegroom Productions 1
Jefferson Davis Hospital (Houston, Tex.) 1
KUHT Film Productions 1
KUHT-TV (Television station : Houston, Tex.) 1
Keeland, Burdette 1
Kirby, John Henry, 1860-1940 1
Kochi, Jay K., 1927-2008 1
Lambright, Jeanie Sutton 1
Leiber, Fritz, 1910-1992 1
Long, Bert L. 1
Lowry, Beverly 1
Lowry, W. McNeil (Wilson McNeil), 1913- 1
Lozo, F.E. (Frank Edgar), 1914-1981 1
Magnolia Petroleum Company 1
May, Linda 1
McMurtry, Larry 1
Michels, Doug, 1943-2003 1
Michigan State University. Band 1
Miller, Vassar 1
Mindiola, Tatcho 1
Moffit, William C. 1
Mydolls (Punk rock group) 1
New Music America (Festival) 1
Nodler, Jason 1
Oren, Laura 1
Parker, Annise 1
Patchen, Kenneth, 1911-1972 1
Patchen, Miriam 1
Perry, Marcella 1
Port of Houston Authority 1
Public Broadcasting Service (U.S.) 1
Purdue University. Band 1
Randolph, Lynn, 1938- 1
Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project 1
River Oaks Business Women's Exchange Club 1
Romansky, Alvin 1
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 1
Sarwar, Sehba 1
Schwartz, Jon, 1948- 1
Shell Development Company 1
Sherrill, William W., 1926-2019 1
Shuart, Carey Chenoweth 1
Sondock, Ruby K. 1
Stewart, Josephine Harris 1
Tenneco Oil Company 1
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