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Showing Collections: 31 - 45 of 122

Federation of Houston Professional Women Records

Identifier: 1998-006
Dates: 1981-2000
Scope and Contents The papers of the Federation of Houston Professional Women (FHPW) consist primarily of meeting notices, agendas, and minutes; fliers for Federation or Federation-sponsored activities; financial reports; membership rosters; and photographs. The majority of the material falls between 1990 and 1997. The collection does, however, contain the minutes of the original meeting of the FHPW in 1981. Member organization rosters give researchers an impression of women's business and professional...

Foley's Department Store Records

Identifier: 2007-004
Dates: 1845-2006; Majority of material found within 1900-2005
Scope and Contents Foley's Department Store Records comprise 42 record cartons, 16 oversized boxes, 32 bound ledgers and real estate records that are open to the public. In addition, there are 32 scrapbooks that are too fragile for public viewing. Records begin with the first stockholders' meeting held in 1911, preserved in a bound journal. Each year (primary organizational series) of the collection is divided into sub-series including Finances, Management, Marketing, Public Relations, Publications, and...

George Fuermann "Texas and Houston" Collection

Identifier: 1970-001
Dates: 1836-1988
Scope and Contents George Fuermann, 1918-2001, collected several types of materials relating to Houston and Texas history, including clippings and other printed materials; legal, financial, and government documents; photographs and negatives; historic maps; works of art; artifacts; and research files. The items in the collection range in date from 1836 to 1988. The collection is arranged in eight series: Printed Materials, Documents, Photographic Material, Creative Works, Maps, Works of Art,...

Galveston 1915 Hurricane Photographs

Identifier: 1997-002
Dates: 1915
Scope and Contents The Galveston Hurricane Photograph collection comes from a scrapbook of pictures taken by Rex Dunbar Frazier, a Stone & Webster Engineering representative called in to collect storm damage data and photographs. Photos were removed from an acidic scrapbook for preservation purposes, yet folder captions were copied exactly from those provided. Folder captions below have been abbreviated as necessary. The photos date primarily from August 18, 1915, although many are...

Bessie Alva Griffiths Papers

Identifier: 1969-020
Dates: 1888-1940
Scope and Contents The Bessie Alva Griffiths Collection contains photographs, memorabilia, and papers such as programs and miscellaneous correspondence and receipts. The dates of items in the collection range from 1888 to 1940. Original order of materials has been adhered to whenever possible. Correspondence and receipts are arranged in chronological order. Included among the papers in the Griffiths Collection are materials belonging to Griffiths' roommate Katherine Dick, who may have...

Harper Leiper Studios Houston Aerial Photographs

Identifier: 2007-016
Dates: 1976-1982
Scope and Contents

The Harper Leiper Studios Houston Aerial Photographs Collection contains aerial photographs of Houston during the 1970s and early 1980s taken by commercial photographers Harper Leiper Studios.

Helen Moore Barthelme Papers

Identifier: 2008-021
Dates: 1949-2002
Scope and Contents This collection contains photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, short stories, and articles related to or written by Donald Barthelme and his brothers, Rick, Steve, and Peter Barthelme, as well as notes by Helen Barthelme. This collection contains research that Helen Barthelme gathered in order to write a biography on Donald Barthelme Jr., Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound. This collection encompasses his early life and career both as a writer and as director of the...

Hines 50th Anniversary Exhibition Collection

Identifier: 2015-018
Dates: 2007
Scope and Contents This collection consists of 59 exhibition panels, two large light boxes with transparencies, and mounting hardware. The exhibition purports to show fifty Hines projects, but the materials received from the donor include only 48.In 2007 the American Institute of Architects, Houston Chapter celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the Hines Company with an exhibition entitled, “HINES / 50 YEARS / 50 SELECTED WORKS.” The exhibition appeared at the AIA Houston offices and at the...

Houston Area Fiber Artists Records

Identifier: 2014-013
Dates: 1968-2014; Majority of material found within 1971-2002
Scope and Contents

This collection contains materials related to organizational structure of the Houston Area Fiber Artists (HAFA), such as meeting minutes, financial records, secretarial records, membership lists, and more. There is also extensive photographic documentation of various art pieces created by HAFA members, as well as a number of VHS tapes and DVDs showcasing this material.

Houston Area Women's Center Photographs

Identifier: 1996-005-b
Dates: 1977-2001; Majority of material found within 1985-1995
Scope and Contents The Houston Area Women’s Center Photographs contain both color and black and white photographs of various sizes, proof sheets, negatives, slides, and some correspondence. Items date from 1978 to 2001 with most of the material dating from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. The bulk of the collection chronicles the varied activities of the organization, including staff activities such as work, picnics and parties, fundraisers, demonstrations, conferences, seminars and programs. Included in the...

Houston Assembly of Delphian Chapters Records

Identifier: 2008-011
Dates: Majority of material found within 1929-2005
Scope and Contents

The collection is housed in 5 boxes and organized in 10 series: Organizational Information; The Delphian Society Manuals; Special Projects; Correspondence; Bit-O-News Newsletters; Photographic Material; Publicity Clippings; Delphian Memorial Scholarship Fund; Delphian Chapters’ Scrapbooks and Houston Delphian Assembly Scrapbooks. These series document the organization’s operations, numerous social events and scholarship fund information.

Houston Chinatown Photographs

Identifier: 2007-009
Dates: 1970
Scope and Contents

The Houston Chinatown Photographs Collection contains scenes of Houston's Chinatown taken during the 1970s or early 1980s.

Houston Electric Auto Association Records

Identifier: 2016-047
Dates: 1973-2011; Majority of material found within 1995-2006
Scope and Contents This collection includes the organization's correspondence with the government and members' correspondence amongst themselves, as well as announcements of meetings and different events that they held occasionally. It also includes electric battery review booklets plus articles showing the organization and members' various achievements. Included are photographs of various occasions hosted or attended by the Houston Electric Auto Association members, brochures showing different...

Houston Gorilla Girls Records

Identifier: 2010-006
Dates: 1985-2000; Majority of material found within 1988-1997
Scope and Contents This collection includes the records, written works, collected writings, and photographs that document the development of the Houston Gorilla Girls, an anonymnous women’s art collective that protested sexism and racism in the art world from the 1987 to the late nineties. There are nine series, spanning from 1985 to 2000 which are entitled as follows: Correspondence; Organizational Documents and Photographs; Propaganda; Diverse Works Installation: Another Dead Horse; Rice University...

Houston Municipal Wharves Photographs

Identifier: 2007-011
Dates: 1916-1917
Scope and Contents

The Houston Municipal Wharves Photographs Collection contains photographs of Houston Ship Channel construction during the years 1916-1917. The photographs are labeled Horton & Horton Contractors.

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Photographs 115
Correspondence 85
Clippings (information artifacts) 45
Newsletters 22
Scrapbooks 22
∨ more
Administrative records 17
Typescripts 17
Brochures 16
Financial records 16
Articles 12
Manuscripts (documents) 12
Publications (documents) 12
Memorabilia 11
Minutes (administrative records) 11
Ephemera 10
Postcards 10
Programs (documents) 9
Women -- Societies and clubs 9
Audiotapes 8
Bylaws (administrative records) 8
Fliers (printed matter) 8
Newspapers 8
Nonprofit organizations -- Texas -- Houston 8
Pamphlets 8
Slides (photographs) 8
Art -- Texas -- Houston 7
Authors -- 20th century 7
Authors, American -- 20th century 7
Periodicals 7
Posters 7
Videotapes 7
Architecture 6
Architecture, Domestic 5
Books 5
Feminism 5
Negatives (photographs) 5
Records (documents) 5
Theater 5
Theater programs 5
University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Visual Arts Collections 5
Yearbooks 5
Audiovisual materials 4
Awards 4
Diaries 4
Greeting cards 4
Houston (Tex.) 4
Houston (Tex.) -- History 4
Houston Region (Tex.) -- Environmental conditions 4
Interviews 4
Invitations 4
Personal papers 4
Reports 4
River Oaks (Houston, Tex.) 4
Speeches (documents) 4
Women artists -- Texas -- Houston 4
World War, 1939-1945 4
Agendas (administrative records) 3
Annual reports 3
Architectural drawings (visual works) 3
Artists -- Texas -- Houston 3
Businesswomen -- Texas -- Houston 3
Compact discs 3
Hip-hop -- Texas -- Houston 3
Houston (Tex.) -- Pictorial works 3
Java Sea, Battle of the, Indonesia, 1942 3
Legal documents 3
Maps (documents) 3
Nature conservation 3
Page proofs 3
Performing arts 3
Photographers 3
Photographic Prints 3
Photography 3
Poets, American -- 20th century 3
Politicians 3
Rap (Music) -- Texas -- Houston 3
Rap musicians -- Texas -- Houston 3
Scripts (documents) 3
Sound recordings 3
Sunda Strait, Battle of, Indonesia, 1942 3
Transparencies 3
Women -- Political activity -- Texas -- Houston 3
Women's rights 3
Advertisements 2
African Americans -- Segregation -- Texas -- Houston 2
Artists 2
Arts -- Texas -- Houston 2
Authors, American 2
Business 2
Business networks -- Texas -- Houston 2
Business records 2
Christian women -- Texas -- Houston 2
Contracts 2
Education 2
Feminism and art 2
Galley proofs 2
Gardening 2
Hospitals -- Texas -- Houston -- History 2
Houston (Tex.) -- Race relations -- History -- 20th century 2
Houston (Tex.) -- Social life and customs 2
∧ less
English 116
No linguistic content; Not applicable 5
Spanish; Castilian 4
Dutch; Flemish 1
French 1
∨ more
Norwegian 1
∧ less
Houston History Archives 13
University of Houston -- Faculty 13
University of Houston 11
University of Houston. Libraries. Special Collections Department. Architecture & Planning Research Collections 8
Houston (Cruiser : CA-30) 4
∨ more
University of Houston. Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design 3
Barthelme, Donald 2
Burma-Siam Railroad 2
DJ Screw, 1971-2000 2
United States. Navy 2
University of Houston -- Alumni and alumnae 2
University of Houston. Law Center -- Alumni and alumnae 2
University of Houston. Women's Studies Program 2
Aker, Joe C. 1
Alley Theatre (Houston, Tex.) 1
Alonzo y Sus Rancheros 1
Alonzo, Frank 1
Alonzo, Ventura 1
Altrusa International 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Association of University Women. West Harris County Branch 1
Ant Farm (Design group) 1
Autry, James L. 1
Barthelme, Donald, 1907-1996 1
Battin, Tom C. 1
Ben Taub General Hospital 1
Bentsen, Kenneth, 1926-2013 1
Beste, Peter 1
Borish, Irvin M. 1
Brennan, Fran 1
Brigid's Place (Houston, Tex.) 1
Brooks, Dale, 1954-2014 1
Brown, Andrew, 1969- 1
Catastrophic Theatre 1
Chenoweth, Blanche Espy 1
Christ Church Cathedral (Houston, Tex.) 1
Church Women United in Houston 1
Citizens' Environmental Coalition 1
Contemporary Arts Association (Houston, Tex.) 1
Contemporary Arts Museum (Houston, Tex.) 1
Cooper, Tamarie 1
Cougar Marching Band (University of Houston) 1
Cullinan, J. S. (Joseph Stephen), 1860-1937 1
De Hartog, Jan, 1914-2002 1
De Hartog, Marjorie 1
Dudley, Frank Elijah, 1884- 1
Eiden, Herman George, 1922-1942 1
Emmott, Sarah H. 1
Ewing Family 1
Ewing, Gladys 1
Ewing, Josie Vesta 1
Ewing, Mary Ellen Williams, 1862-1919 1
Ewing, Presley Kittredge, 1860- 1
Farb, Carolyn 1
Federation of Houston Professional Women 1
Ferguson, James Edward, 1871-1944 1
Flaxman, Thomas 1
Foley's (Firm) 1
Fournier, Steve 1
Frazier, Rex Dunbar 1
Fuermann, George, 1918-2001 1
GRETA (Organization : Texas) 1
Galbreth, Michael, 1956-2019 1
Ginzbarg, Hana 1
Griffiths, Bessie Alva, 1896- 1
Harper Leiper Studios 1
Hershey, Terese Tarlton 1
Hightower, Nikki Van, 1939- 1
Hines (firm) 1
Houston Electric Auto Association 1
Houston Grand Opera 1
Houston Symphony Orchestra 1
Houston Symphony Society 1
Hughes, Howard Robard, 1869-1924 1
Infernal Bridegroom Productions 1
Jefferson Davis Hospital (Houston, Tex.) 1
KUHT Film Productions 1
KUHT-TV (Television station : Houston, Tex.) 1
Kaplan, H. David 1
Keeland, Burdette 1
Kirby, John Henry, 1860-1940 1
Kochi, Jay K., 1927-2008 1
Lambright, Jeanie Sutton 1
Leiber, Fritz, 1910-1992 1
Long, Bert L. 1
Lowry, Beverly 1
Lowry, W. McNeil (Wilson McNeil), 1913- 1
Lozo, F.E. (Frank Edgar), 1914-1981 1
Magnolia Petroleum Company 1
May, Linda 1
McMurtry, Larry 1
Michels, Doug, 1943-2003 1
Michigan State University. Band 1
Miller, Vassar 1
Milner, Samuel, 1910-2000 1
Mindiola, Tatcho 1
Missouri City Chapter of the Links, Inc. 1
Moffit, William C. 1
Mydolls (Punk rock group) 1
Nelson, H. E. 1
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