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Showing Collections: 46 - 60 of 65

Texas Art Project: Joan Seeman Papers

Identifier: AAA 10095

Texas Art Project: Evaline C. Sellors papers

Identifier: AAA 10552
Dates: 1915-1980
Scope and Contents

Five scrapbooks containing: letters, clippings, catalogs, and memorabilia regarding Sellors' career, the Fort Worth School of Fine Arts which she founded with Sallie Gillespie and Blanche McVeigh in 1932, the Dallas Craft Guild, and the careers of Jerry Bywaters, Octavio Medellin, Allie Tennant, Charles Umlauf, Bror Utter, and others. Also included are exhibition catalogs and miscellany.

Carroll Harris Simms Papers

Identifier: AAA 10101
Dates: 1945-1980
Scope and Contents

Biographical data; correspondence; newspaper clippings; exhibition catalogs; printed material about Simms and his sculpture; photographs of Simms and his work; and pencil sketches.

Emily Guthrie Smith papers

Identifier: AAA 9425
Dates: 1922-1979
Scope and Contents Sketches, sketchbooks, photographs, exhibition materials, letters, books, scrapbooks, and printed material. REEL 1514: A resume; letters; exhibition catalogs and invitations; clippings; typescripts of essays on Smith's work; and photographs of Smith with her work. REEL 1597: Sketches and sketchbooks of figure studies, still lifes, and portraits; a photograph album containing snapshots of paintings and drawings; and photographs of Smith and others. REELS 1701-1702: Two...

Texas Art Project Microfilm: Ishmael Soto Papers

 Collection — Reel: 2908, Image: 310-357
Identifier: AAA 9876
Dates: 1967-1981
Scope and Contents

Biographical information, letters received, exhibition catalogs and announcements, and clippings.

Texas Art Project Microfilm: Gael Stack papers

 Collection — Reel: 2911
Identifier: AAA 9959
Dates: 1970-1982
Scope and Contents

Ca. 20 letters; exhibition catalogs and announcements; newspaper clippings; magazine articles; press releases; and 16 sketchbooks.

Sandy Stein papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: AAA 10561
Dates: 1977-1981
Scope and Contents

Letters, 1977-1981; clippings; annotated sketchbooks, 1979-1981; and photographs of Stein, her work, and art related events.

Texas Art Project: Hannah Stewart papers

Identifier: AAA 10565
Dates: 1955-1983
Scope and Contents

Biographical information; correspondence; notes; printed material; sketchbooks; and photographs.

Susan Stinsmuehlen papers

 Collection — Reel: 3345, Image: 754-1263
Identifier: AAA 10566
Dates: 1976-1984
Scope and Contents

A resume; correspondence; clippings; exhibition announcements and catalogs; photographs of Stinsmuehlen, her studio and her work; and a sketchbook, undated.

Eloise Yantis Stoker Papers

Identifier: AAA 10567
Dates: 1969-1980
Scope and Contents

A resume; articles, 1969, written by Stoker; clippings; and exhibition announcements and catalogs.

Trudy Sween papers

 Collection — Reel: 3274, Image: 395-968
Identifier: AAA 9504
Dates: 1965-1983
Scope and Contents A resume; a graduation program, 1967; 6 letters, 1967-1981; clippings; exhibition announcements and catalogs; theater announcements and programs, 1974-1982, illustrated by Sween; press releases; posters, undated and 1976-1977, designed by Sween; 5 sketches, undated and 1975-1977; an award medal, "Main Street '75 Commemorative Medallion" designed by Sween; a transcript of an interview, undated, conducted by Anita Davidson; poems written by Sween, 1975-1980; booklets of poems illustrated by...

Tinka Tarver papers

 Collection — Reel: 3031
Identifier: AAA 9993
Dates: 1973-1983
Scope and Contents

A resume; an essay, "Thresholds: Tinka Tarver as Woman Artist in American Society, A Movement Towards the Diagonal," by L. Banks Tarver; exhibition announcements and catalogs; clippings; printed material, including announcements for dance performances; and nine photographs of Tarver, her family and her works of art.

Ruth Tears papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: AAA 6688
Dates: 1951-1972
Scope and Contents REEL 2684: Biographical information; correspondence, 1953-1970; lecture notes; 4 prints, undated; financial material, 1963-1971; awards, 1963-1968; clippings; exhibition catalogs; and 4 scrapbooks, 1951-1967.REEL 3476: Biographical data; printed material, 1968-1969, describing painting classes taught by Tears at Carrizo Lodge, Ruidoso, N.M., Dallas Museum of Fine Arts and Dallas College of Southern Methodist University; exhibition announcements, catalogs, invitations, clippings;...

Jan Tips papers

 Collection — Reel: 2825, Image: 125-799
Identifier: AAA 9248
Dates: [ca. 1968]-1983
Scope and Contents Correspondence, 1976-1983; 4 exhibition files, 1971-1982, containing correspondence, price lists, sales receipts, sketches, and printed material; newspaper clippings and drafts, undated and 1981-1982, written by Tips for the EXPRESS-NEWS, San Antonio, Tex.; exhibition catalogs, announcements and invitations; clippings; magazine articles; a scrapbook containing clippings and exhibition announcements; 3 annotated sketchbooks, undated and 1978; and ca. 70 photographs of Tips, other people, and...

John Schrup and Sally Tobin papers

Identifier: AAA 10551
Dates: 1955-1980
Scope and Contents

Correspondence; financial information; clippings; catalogs; and announcements.

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Women artists 11
Women painters 7
Art 4
Painting, Modern 4
TexTreasures 4
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Salinas, Porfirio, 1910-1973 2
Tarver, Tinka, 1932- 2
Albrecht, Mary Dickson, 1930-2007 1
Allensworth, Jane, 1937- 1
Armstrong, Martha, 1935- 1
∨ more
Artists Coalition of Texas 1
Baker, Adelaide Lovett 1
Brants, Cynthia, 1924- 1
Bristow, Wilanna 1
Brotherton, Naomi 1
Canaday, John Edwin 1
Casas, Mel, 1929- 1
Chin, Mel, 1951- 1
Cipriani, Inez G., 1909-1998 1
Coalition of Women's Art Organizations 1
Cocke, Mildred Hackett, 1903-1994 1
Con Safo (Group) 1
Contemporary Arts Museum (Houston, Tex.) 1
Crow, Cecille, 1914-2001 1
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts 1
Dreyer, Margaret Webb, 1911-1976 1
Folmar, Maude, 1908-1993 1
Freed, Eleanor 1
Gallery of Wonderful Things 1
Gantz, Ann Cushing, 1934 or 1935- 1
Goddard, Ruth , 1912- 1
Hershey, Terese Tarlton 1
Houston Art League 1
Incarnate Word College (San Antonio, Tex.) 1
Jalapeeno, Jimmy, 1947- 1
John, Grace Spaulding 1
Kahn, Annelies Ruth, 1927- 1
Kutner, Janet, 1937- 1
LaCoste, Janet Shook 1
Lee, Amy Freeman 1
Levy, Sandra Curtis 1
Long, Bert L. 1
Lovett, Edgar Odell, 1871-1957 1
MacAgy, Jermayne, 1914-1964 1
Malott, Mary Myart, 1928-2008 1
McVeigh, Blanche 1
Medellin, Octavio, 1907 or 1908-1999 1
Menil, Dominique de 1
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969 1
Mood, Martha, 1908-1972 1
Moody Gallery (Houston, Tex.) 1
New Arts (Art gallery) 1
Ney, Elisabet, 1833-1907 1
Ory, Norma R. 1
Poulos, Dorothy, 1912- 1
Randolph, Lynn, 1938- 1
Renteria, Philip, 1947- 1
Richards, Jeanne Herron, 1923-2003 1
Saks, Judith-Ann, 1943- 1
Schapiro, Miriam 1
Schrup, John Edmund, 1937- 1
Schrup, Sally 1
Seeman, Joan French 1
Sellors, Evaline C., 1903-1995 1
Simms, Carroll, 1924- 1
Smith, Emily Guthrie, 1909- 1
Soto, Ishmael, 1932- 1
Stack, Gael, 1941- 1
Stein, Sandy, 1945- 1
Stewart, Hannah 1
Stinsmuehlen-Amend, Susan, 1948- 1
Stoker, Eloise Yantis, 1935- 1
Sween, Trudy 1
Tears, Ruth, 1919-1971 1
Tips, Jan, 1942- 1
Uhler, Ruth Pershing 1
University of St. Thomas (Houston, Tex.) 1
Vander Lee, Jana, 1945- 1
Werner-Vaughn, Salle 1
Willson, Margaret, 1919- 1
Winn, Betty, 1916-2000 1
Witte Memorial Museum 1
Women and Their Work ((Organization)) 1
Wray, Margaret M., 1903-1988 1
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