Buval, Lisa
Lisa Buval was a researcher and interviewer with the Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston project.
Found in 10 Collections and/or Records:
Berry, Harry D., 2006
File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-LB-SR08
Found in:
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
2019-021, Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston Project Records
Project Interviews
Harry Berry [HB] is a Katrina evacuee from New Orleans, LA. HB introduces himself as married, with grown children. HB begins his story with his decision to evacuate hurricane Katrina, using the contra flow, to Houston. He describes the devastation he saw riding through New Orleans on his return, October 15. He describes the eeriness of no one being around. He describes the aftermath of Rita on his return to Houston. HB describes the devastation he witnessed on his second trip to New Orleans...
Breau Getwood, Jacqueline, 2006
File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-LB-SR10
Found in:
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
2019-021, Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston Project Records
Project Interviews
Jacqueline Breaux [JB], is a Katrina evacuee from New Orleans, LA. JB is originally from Port Arthur, Texas. JB married a man who studied dentistry and eventually they moved to New Orleans for him to open his own practice. They reared three daughters in New Orleans. JB and this husband divorced in 1997. JB evacuated hurricane Katrina to her childhood home in Port Arthur where her father still resided. When hurricane Rita hit she evacuated in a caravan of family members including her...
Chretien, Bridgette, 2006
File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-LB-SR05
Found in:
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
2019-021, Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston Project Records
Project Interviews
Bridgette Chretien [BC], age 34, is a Katrina evacuee from New Orleans, LA [NOLA]. Her interview begins with her name and place of residence before hurricane Katrina. BC lived 5 or 6 houses away from the levee in an East New Orleans neighborhood. She paints a picture of changing dynamics in that neighborhood. BC discusses her family’s routine of getting together frequently at her home with family and friends. BC explains that typically, her immediate family, her in-law’s, and friends do...
Cloud, Cedric J., 2006
File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-LB-SR02
Found in:
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
2019-021, Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston Project Records
Project Interviews
Cedric J. Cloud [CC], age 31, is a Katrina survivor from New Orleans, LA [NOL]. CC describes his daily life in New Orleans right before Hurricane Katrina in Jefferson Parish as merely existing as opposed to previous experiences of enjoying a lifestyle in Orleans Parish. The storm portion of this interview is delivered without interruption as well as descriptions of life in the Houston area which follows the storm stories. Before and after the storm stories, CC contrasts the differences in...
Farina, Stacy, 2006
File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-LB-SR03
Found in:
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
2019-021, Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston Project Records
Project Interviews
Stacy Farina [SF] is a Katrina survivor from New Orleans, Louisiana [NOLA]. Ms. Farina is a native of Frankfurt, Germany who lived in New Orleans from an early age. She is a single mother of two small children. She lived in Houston after her marriage and then returned to live in Lakeview after her divorce, about a year before the hurricane. The Lakeview area was hard hit by Katrina and its aftermath. Ms. Farina’s dramatic story is one of desperation and rescue, of trips back to NOLA, of...
Landry, Cohen, 2006
File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-LB-SR11
Found in:
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
2019-021, Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston Project Records
Project Interviews
Cohen Landry is a Katrina evacuee from New Orleans. [CL] is a child of 10 children whose family moved around a lot during his elementary years due to the fact that his father was in the U.S. Army. While high school age his parents settled on the West Bank of New Orleans, Louisiana. CL married his high school sweetheart. They had recently moved to a new home and made several big ticket purchases in starting a new life when hurricane Katrina was tracked to hit the Gulf Coast. CL and his family...
Norflin, Tiffany Cloud, 2006
File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-LB-SR07
Found in:
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
2019-021, Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston Project Records
Project Interviews
Tiffany Cloud [TC], age 30, is a Katrina survivor from New Orleans, LA. TC introduces herself as married, mother of a four month old, as well as, “a product of a single parent household.” She discusses her mother’s struggle to send her to private school, as well as the experience of being Baptist, attending private schools. TC was a teacher in the Orleans parish school system. She contrasts teaching in predominately poor, Black schools with limited resources in New Orleans with teaching in...
Roberson, Juanita, 2006
File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-LB-SR06
Found in:
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
2019-021, Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston Project Records
Project Interviews
Juanita Roberson [JR], is a Katrina evacuee from New Orleans, LA [NOLA]. Most of this interview is delivered without interruption. JR lived in [NOLA] all of her life. JR lived in the Lower Ninth Ward before Katrina. She and her fiancé decided not to evacuate even though most of her family did. When a sister called her from safety outside NOLA, she discovered that her home was being flooded. She walked most of the way to the Morial Convention Center before she and her fiancé were given a...
Williams, Brandi, 2006
File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-LB-SR04
Found in:
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
2019-021, Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston Project Records
Project Interviews
Brandi Williams [BW], single, age 25, is a Katrina evacuee from New Orleans, LA [NOLA]. Most of this interview is delivered without interruption. BW lived in NOLA all of her life except when she attended LSU in Baton Rouge, LA. BW grew up in middle class neighborhoods in NOLA Through visiting family in various neighborhoods throughout NOLA, BW experienced various economic ways of life. Whenever BW looks back on NOLA she remembers it fondly, although she did have certain gripes about it,...
Williams, Jaha, 2006
File — Reading Room Computer: 1, File: SKR-LB-SR09
Found in:
University of Houston Libraries Special Collections
2019-021, Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston Project Records
Project Interviews
Jaha Williams [JW], age 31, is a Katrina evacuee from New Orleans, LA. JW is originally from Seattle, Washington. JW attended Southern University in Baton Rouge. JW attended the University of New Orleans for her Master’s degree. JW felt like her neighbors in Behrman Heights in Algiers were her second family and she misses that community life. JW was very involved with Franklin Avenue Baptist church in New Orleans and misses that community. She talks about the church regrouping in Houston,...